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Reform in Industrial America

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Presentation on theme: "Reform in Industrial America"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reform in Industrial America
Debs believed in which type of government? Socialism – Capitalism – Communism - Conservatism

2 Reform in Industrial America
Debs believed in which type of government? Socialism

3 Reform in Industrial America
After the Pullman strike, Eugene Debs concluded that unions were not strong enough to protect the rights of workers. True OR False

4 Reform in Industrial America
After the Pullman strike, Eugene Debs concluded that unions were not strong enough to protect the rights of workers. True

5 Reform in Industrial America
Which amendment to the constitution provided for women’s suffrage?

6 Reform in Industrial America
Which amendment to the constitution provided for women’s suffrage? Nineteenth

7 Reform in Industrial America
In what year were women finally allowed to vote throughout the United States?

8 Reform in Industrial America
In what year were women finally allowed to vote throughout the United States? 1920

9 Reform in Industrial America
Why was the Women’s State Temperance Society was founded?

10 Reform in Industrial America
Why was the Women’s State Temperance Society was founded? Because women were not allowed to speak at the Men’s State Temperance Society.

11 Reform in Industrial America
What did Susan B. Anthony fight for?

12 Reform in Industrial America
What did Susan B. Anthony fight for? She fought for Women’s suffrage, the abolition of slavery, and temperance.

13 Reform in Industrial America
W.E.B. Du Bois wanted to eliminate the _____________ between the blacks and the whites.

14 Reform in Industrial America
W.E.B. Du Bois wanted to eliminate the color line between the blacks and the whites.

15 Reform in Industrial America
What did Ida B. Wells wage a campaign against?

16 Reform in Industrial America
What did Ida B. Wells wage a campaign against? Lynching

17 Reform in Industrial America
Booker T. Washington was best known for founding the Tuskegee University. True OR False

18 Reform in Industrial America
Booker T. Washington was best known for founding the Tuskegee University. True

19 Reform in Industrial America
The thirteenth amendment to the Constitution related to what idea?

20 Reform in Industrial America
The thirteenth amendment to the Constitution related to what idea? The absolute abolishment of slavery.

21 Reform in Industrial America
The laws designated to keeping African Americans from experiencing the same freedoms as the rest of the citizens were called _________________________.

22 Reform in Industrial America
The laws designated to keeping African Americans from experiencing the same freedoms as the rest of the citizens were called Jim Crow laws.

23 Reform in Industrial America
Theodore Roosevelt proposed a ____________deal for all Americans.

24 Reform in Industrial America
Theodore Roosevelt proposed a square deal for all Americans.

25 Reform in Industrial America
The forestry department was commissioned with what task?

26 Reform in Industrial America
The forestry department was commissioned with what task? They were responsible for protecting and making wise use of the nations forest lands.

27 Reform in Industrial America
What was the name of Roosevelt’s regiment in the Spanish-American war?

28 Reform in Industrial America
What was the name of Roosevelt’s regiment in the Spanish-American war? The Rough Riders

29 Reform in Industrial America
What did Jacob Riis write about?

30 Reform in Industrial America
What did Jacob Riis write about? Tenement Reform

31 Reform in Industrial America
What was the name of the house Jane Addams had built with bathtubs, kitchens and a daycare in the middle of the settlement?

32 Reform in Industrial America
What was the name of the house Jane Addams had built with bathtubs, kitchens and a daycare in the middle of the settlement? Hull House

33 Reform in Industrial America
The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair exposed the horrors of what?

34 Reform in Industrial America
The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair exposed the horrors of what? The meat packing industry.

35 Reform in Industrial America
The Sherman Antitrust Act was meant to do what?

36 Reform in Industrial America
The Sherman Antitrust Act was meant to do what? Prevent companies from creating monopolies.

37 Reform in Industrial America
In 1878, John D. Rockefeller controlled 90% of the oil industry. True OR False

38 Reform in Industrial America
In 1878, John D. Rockefeller controlled 90% of the oil industry. True

39 Reform in Industrial America
Who wrote articles about the unethical practices of Standard Oil?

40 Reform in Industrial America
Who wrote articles about the unethical practices of Standard Oil? Ida Tarbell

41 Reform in Industrial America
What is a muckraker?

42 Reform in Industrial America A journalist who exposes social wrongs.
What is a muckraker? A journalist who exposes social wrongs.

43 Reform in Industrial America
He was a great orator, and he ran for president three times. Who was he?

44 Reform in Industrial America
He was considered a great orator, and he ran for president three times. Who was he? William Jennings Bryan

45 Reform in Industrial America
The Populist Party was working hard to change what two problems?

46 Reform in Industrial America
The Populist Party was working hard to change what two problems? Shorter Workdays and to create a graduated income tax

47 Reform in Industrial America
Where did most of the immigrants live at the end of the 19th century? In the suburbs c. in small towns In big cities d. on farms

48 Reform in Industrial America
Where did most of the immigrants live at the end of the 19th century? In the suburbs c. in small towns In big cities d. on farms

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