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Temperate Broadleaf + Wetlands Biomes

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1 Temperate Broadleaf + Wetlands Biomes
Making by Paradee Unchaleevilawan (Pop)

2 What is Temperate Broadleaf ?

3 Temperate Broadleaf Contains of many plants and animals species.
Found mostly in Northern Hemisphere, in Chile (in small parts), South Afica, Australia and New Zealand.

4 Temperate Broadleaf : Physical Environment
Climate Soils Vegetation Diversity

5 Physical Environment : Climate
Occur in areas of warm summers and cold winters. Diverse in easthern areas of North American and China. Lose their leaves in winter which cause a thick layer when snow go. Have 3-4 species of tree per and feet high.

6 Physical Environment : Soils
Dark brown with little acids Contains reddish layer under the dark brown layer which come from iron oxides. The climate bring up the organic materials that form a well-developed humus layer.

7 Physical Environment : Vegetation
Composed of mostly deciduous trees. Forest have multilayers such as 1-2 trees layers, shrub layer and herb layers. Some trees characteristics produce more seeds other.

8 Physical Environment : Diversity
Highest diversity is on insects in tropics. In North American and Easthern Asian have high diversity on plants that moves to tropical.

9 Geological Figures Average precipitation is around 70-more than 200 cm each year. Fall in all seasons (summer rain, forest, and winter snow). Temperature approximately around 0 degress celcius. Summer up to 35 degrees celsius which is hot and humid.

10 Temperate Broadleaf : Human impacts
Logging and land clearing for agriculture which give rise to the developement of urban. Soil is excellent for agriculture and have many valuable trees for timber. Some human don’t walk on the way and kill small living organisms.

11 What is Wetlands Biomes ?

12 Wetlands Biomes Consists any body of water that float in the water.
Located near rivers or lakes and stream.

13 Physical Environment Overflow habitat because of water that suport only specific plants. Some wetlands are overflow or inundated all the time.

14 Chemical Environment High organic production (plants) + decomposittion (microbes) + other organism = low in dissloving oxygen. High capacity of filter in both nutrients + chemical pollutants.

15 Geological Features : Basin Wetlands
Developed in shallow basins.

16 Geological Features : Riverine Wetlands
Developed along the shallow and periodically flooded and stream.

17 Organism live in Floating pond lilies Emergent Cattails
Sedges, Bald cypress, and Black spruce. Invertebrates : have birds and other organisms. Herbivores : Aquatic insects and plants. Carnovores : Dragonflies, otters, frogs, alligators and herons.

18 Human Impacts Help purify water. Reduce flooding.
Draning and filling being destroyed up to 90 percents.

19 References

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