Mrs. Stephens’ Wise Guys

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1 Mrs. Stephens’ Wise Guys
2nd Grade Mrs. Stephens’ Wise Guys Week of September 10, 2018 A Peek at Our Week WEEKLY HOMEWORK Reading: Beginning, Middle, End We will learn how to describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story, the middle provides major events and challenges, and the ending concludes the action. Writing Choose a writing prompt from the September writing calendar Write a kind letter to our custodial staff Math: Money We will learn how to name and count dimes, nickels, and pennies, as well as how to use the cent symbol. Math Practice Addition and Subtraction Math Facts to 10 – use our class links page (math facts power points) Practice counting different coin combinations at home using nickels, dimes, and pennies to 20. Writing: Personal Narratives We will learn how to write a narrative that recounts a well elaborated short sequence of events, includes details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, uses transition words, and provides a sense of closure. Spelling Choose a spelling activity from the September Speller’s Choice Science: Matter We will describe different objects according to their physical properties and explain how structures can be disassembled then rearranged to make new and different structures. We will also explain how some changes in matter caused by heating and cooling can be reversed while others are irreversible. Reading Read for 20 minutes Raz Kids S.S./ Science Build a structure with items around your house (Legos, blocks, paper towel tubes, etc.). Disassemble it (take it apart) then rearrange it to create a new structure. Have a discussion about how it is now different and what might still be the same about it. Class Blog: Spelling & Word Study Spelling/ Reading Rule Language Skill Mark Your Calendar -ch & -tch When a consonant sound is heard after the short vowel sound in a one syllable word, /ch/ is used to spell the final /ch/ sound. Ex: munch When a short vowel is heard right before the /ch/ sound in a one syllable word, the ch will most likely be spelled with /tch/. Ex: fetch Context Clues We will learn how to use sentence level context as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word or phrase. Ex: The exuberant boy jumped up and down and cheered when the Braves won the game! September 13 – Spirit Night at Peace Love & Pizza September 15 – East Cobber Parade September 18 – Spirit Night at Chick-Fil-A September 20 – Custodial Staff Appreciation Day Weekly Words also, been, here

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