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Africa Aksum Axum Zimbabwe or * Capital =

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1 Africa Aksum Axum Zimbabwe or * Capital =
Lasted for 800 years until the Muslims took over. Aksum Axum This area is known as the Ethiopian Highlands Zimbabwe This is a STELE that is a stone pillar that was built to celebrate Aksum’s achievements. It is still standing today The kingdom of Aksum surrounds modern day Ethiopia Aksum became strong because of a strong ruler named Enzana He conquered many lands and expanded his empire. People who live in Aksum are called Aksumites. King Enzana is important because he converted to Christianity * Capital = Aksum is a Christian kingdom

2 West African Kingdoms Ghana Songhai Mali
Like ___________, Mali became wealthy because of ___________. A man named ____________ __________ became the leader of Mali. He was a devout ______________. Because of Mansa Musa, Mali grew to become _____________ the size of _______________. The city of ________________ became a center of trade and learning because Mansa Musa ordered _________________ and ________________ to be built. Timbuktu is the location of the _________ of __________. After Mali declined, people broke away and formed a new civilization near the _______________ river. Two great rulers named: 1. _____________________ 2. _____________________ __________________ captured the city of _______________________. ____________________ was an excellent administrator. He set up an efficient _______ _______________ and chose __________ officials. Later they were taken over by the ___________________ who were fighting with guns. Ghana is the land of ____________. Two most important trading goods: _____________ _____________ Gold came from the _____________ Salt deposits were found in the ________________ desert. This important trade of gold and salt took place on the ________-____________ trade. The king was the only one allowed to keep gold ____________. This way the king could keep the price of gold high.

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