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Chapter 3 Section 2 - Migration.

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1 Chapter 3 Section 2 - Migration

2 Why People Migrate 1850 to 1930 more than 30,000,000 Europeans moved to America Since 1971 more than 4.5 million people have come from Mexico & 2.5 million from the Caribbean People have also come Central America, the Philippines, China & Vietnam More than 80,000 have come from either India or South Korea

3 Migration Voluntary migration is when people move by their own choice & this applies to most people who move The push-pull theory of migration states that there are generally reasons why people either feel pushed-out, pulled-in, or a little bit of both when they migrate Wars, starvation, religious persecution, limits on freedom have all PUSHED people out Freedom, jobs, better opportunities have PULLED people to new homes Involuntary migration is when you are forced to move, like British prisoners to Australia in the early 1800’s or slave trade in America

4 Urbanization Growth of industry in the 1800’s pulled people from the country to the cities for jobs Since the 1950’s in North America & Europe the trend has been for people to move from city to suburbs Suburb growth takes valuable land away for farms and pollutes the environment In Asia, Africa, & Latin America people are still moving from country to urban areas In places like Jakarta, Indonesia & Sao Paulo, Brazil this movement can happen too fast! The results – not enough jobs, housing, sanitation, hospitals, schools People still go for the hope of a better life, especially for their children

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