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New England Colonies Location: North Eastern corner of the US. Consists of Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island Transportation:

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Presentation on theme: "New England Colonies Location: North Eastern corner of the US. Consists of Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island Transportation:"— Presentation transcript:

1 New England Colonies Location: North Eastern corner of the US. Consists of Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island Transportation: Imports and exports were by ship primarily to England, primary exports were agriculture and fish Economic Development: primarily farming and fishing communities who grew much of their own food. Anything extra was shipped to England. They made most of their own clothing. Boston was the major seaport.

2 Religious Reasons for Settlement in New England
The Pilgrims fled to Holland in 1608 from England to avoid religious persecution, but felt that their children were losing their English heritage therefore they sailed to America in 1617 to start a new life. The Pilgrims landed in Plymouth and immediately began setting up housing. Soon the plague came and killed all but 50 settlers. Thankfully, Squanto helped the settlers learn how to fish, hunt, and plant crops. persecution: to harass or punish in a manner designed to injure, grieve, or afflict; specifically : to cause to suffer because of belief

3 Massachusetts Due to increased persecution of Puritans and a depression in the wool industry that many Puritans worked in, they were willing to leave England to start a new life in America. The Massachusetts Bay Company received a charter in March 1629 from the King to colonize in America. John Winthrop, a stockholder in the Massachusetts Bay Company and a lawyer, decided to sail to America and found Massachusetts as a refuge for Puritans. Boston was named the capital of Massachusetts.

4 Town Meetings/Legislature
Town meetings (political) as well as church services (religious) often took place at the same local meetinghouse. White men who owned a certain amount of property and were recognized members of a church could attend the town meetings. Officers, collectively called the legislature, were elected once a year to the council. The legislature wrote laws and levied taxes.

5 Founding of Rhode Island
Roger Williams was a strict Separatist; he believed that the Puritan church should completely separate from the Anglican church. Due to his outspoken beliefs he was ordered to leave Massachusetts, therefore he bought his own land from a Native American tribe and began his own colony called Providence. In Providence, the government had no authority in religious matters. Different religions were tolerated rather than suppressed.

6 Middle Colonies Location: Located between the New England colonies and the Southern colonies. Includes: Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and Delaware Transportation: Imports and exports were by ship primarily to and from England, primary exports were finished products like paper and textiles Economic Development: Industrial and agricultural society. They produced iron, paper, and textiles and grew wheat and other grains. They traded with England a lot as well.

7 Settlement of New Amsterdam
New Netherland was originally settled by the Dutch (from the Netherlands), but in 1664 the British conquered the area and renamed it New York. (King James was the Duke of York at the time.) New York had a diverse population and was a large trade center. Because the British encouraged the Dutch to stay, New York tolerated different religious beliefs. New Amsterdam is now known as New York City (on Manhattan Island)

8 Settlement of Pennsylvania
Located between New England and Virginia William Penn received the land from King Charles because King Charles owed a debt to Penn’s father. The King was not entirely happy about paying the debt this way because he knew Penn was a Quaker and the king had banned and persecuted Quakers. Quakers believe in pacifism and people having their own inner-light from God meaning they had no need for churches or ministers. Quakers did not believe in participating in government or even paying taxes. Opposition to war or violence as a means to settle disputes

9 Southern Colonies Location: Below the Mason- Dixon Line. Includes: Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia Transportation: Imports and exports were by ship primarily to England, including trans- Atlantic slave trade Economic Development: Almost solely agricultural society, they grew rice, tobacco, and indigo

10 Mercantilism Definition: the theory that the state’s [nation’s] power depends on its wealth The British felt that having colonies would increase their wealth because the colonies would provide raw materials, like lumber, coal, iron ore, cotton, tobacco, etc., as well as open markets for buying Britain’s finished goods like cigarettes, clothes, furniture, etc. It was also believed at the time that wealth was limited to natural resources, specifically gold and silver, so the more one country had the less any other country could possess making the host country stronger and all other countries weaker.

11 Trans-Atlantic Trade

12 Trans-Atlantic Trade There are multiple examples of triangular trade, here are two: New England, England, and the Caribbean Islands; and New England merchants would trade rum to British merchants in exchange for British goods. British merchants then traded the rum to West Africans in exchange for enslaved Africans, who were then transported across the Atlantic to the Caribbean and traded for sugar.

13 Middle Passage The Royal African Company was granted a charter from King Charles that allowed them to engage in slave trade with the colonies. The sea voyage that carried Africans to North America was called the Middle Passage because it was the middle portion of a three-way voyage made by the slave ships. Many people that boarded the ships died before ever making it to North America. Reading from pg. 89 Equiano

14 Growth of African American Population in the US
Most Europeans coming to America no longer wished to be indentured servants because they wanted to own their own land and make their own money immediately; plus land owners did not like having to set the indentured servants free after about 7 years typically, therefore slavery was a replacement. There was too much work to be done, often times, then one family could do on their own. When the first British settlers arrived in 1607 in Jamestown there were no slaves, but by 1700 there were thousands to support the agricultural society, primarily in the south.

15 Slavery in the Colonies
Some early slaves found ways out of slavery by converting to Christianity, because the slave holders did not have slaves based on race, but the fact that they thought of the slaves as savages that needed to be taken care of. In 1638 Maryland was the first state to recognize “slave” as a legal status, this began slavery based on race instead of religion. Slave codes were later put in place to regulate slaves relationships with white people.

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