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Art I Vocabulary EOA, POD, etc..

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Presentation on theme: "Art I Vocabulary EOA, POD, etc.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Art I Vocabulary EOA, POD, etc.

2 Still-Life: A drawing or painting of inanimate objects Ex: vases, flowers, instruments

3 COMPOSITION in fine arts:
The act of organizing the elements and principles of art into a harmoniously unified whole John William Waterhouse; The Lady of Shallot

4 Medium/Media in fine arts:
The material(s) that an artist uses to create an art work. EX: When you paint a picture in acrylic paint, the medium is acrylic. If your composition is made up of acrylic, photographs, and hand-made papers, you have created a MIXED-MEDIA composition.

5 The Elements of Art

6 The building blocks an artist works with to create an artwork.
Elements of Art The building blocks an artist works with to create an artwork. They Include: Line Shape Form Color Value Texture Space

7 Line A continuous mark made on a surface with a pointed tool (writing utensil). Examples:

8 Line Types: Descriptive: outlines, contour lines, single lines, hatching, crosshatching Implied: A line that is suggested or inferred, rather than completely drawn out. Expressive: line personalities (we associate certain feelings with a line’s shape, movement, & direction

9 OUTLINES: lines that show outer edges of shapes (appears flat)
Descriptive Line OUTLINES: lines that show outer edges of shapes (appears flat)

10 Descriptive Line CONTOUR lines define outer edges (outlines) & inner surface detail of a shape

11 Descriptive Lines Stippling

12 Implied Lines

13 Expressive Lines:

14 Shape Shape: 2-dimensional; Can be drawn on paper, painted on a canvas
2 Types of Shapes: Organic Geometric

15 Form Form: -3-dimensional -Encloses volume
-has height, width, and depth


17 COLOR Primary Colors: Red, Yellow, Blue (make every other color on wheel when properly mixed) Secondary: Violet, Orange, Green Intermediate: the colors between the primary & secondary colors (ex: Yellow-Orange)

18 Warm Colors: red, yellow, orange Cool Colors: blue, green, violet

19 Complementary Colors Colors that are directly across from one another on the color wheel . They go well, or compliment, one another. For Example: Red & Green Orange & Blue Yellow & Violet

20 Analagous Colors Colors that are side-by-side, or neighbors, on the color wheel. They go well together.

21 Monochromatic The full value range of one color. In other words, there are different versions of 1 color because of the addition of black & white.

22 VALUE Value is the range from light to dark ex: Shading in a drawing
Value/Shading makes an art work appear to be more 3-dimensional and realistic

23 Shading Examples:

24 Benefits of Shading:



27 TEXTURE How a surface feels, or in art, how the surface appears to feel to the touch Simulated Texture: texture can be seen/imagined, but not felt Actual Texture: the texture you see can be felt

28 SPACE The areas between, around, above, below, or within something
Positive & Negative Space: Negative Empty or void space, space around an object or form; also called white space. Positive Space in an artwork that is filled with something, such as lines, designs, color, or shapes. Linear Perspective: a method of showing depth in art

29 Positive & Negative Space Examples:

30 Japanese Notan

31 1-pt Linear Perspective:

32 The Principles of Design

33 Principles of Design Unity
Variety Emphasis Rhythm & Movement Balance Pattern Proportion Principles of design are the laws of designing anything! In other words, to have a good design, you should consider these principles for the best design possible.

34 UNITY A principle of design related to the wholeness that results from the successful combination of the component elements of an artwork.

35 VARIETY Including various elements into the artwork to offset unity and add interest

36 EMPHASIS One element creates more attention than anything else in the composition This dominant element is usually the focal point and adds unity to the composition

37 RHYTHM Combining elements to produce the appearance of movement in an artwork. May be done by repetition, alternation, or progression of an element.

38 MOVEMENT the arrangement of parts in an artwork to create a sense of motion to the viewer’s eye through the work

39 BALANCE The arrangement of visual elements to create stability in an artwork 4 balance arrangements: asymmetrical, symmetrical, approximately symmetrical, and radial

40 Balance Continued… Asymmetrical Symmetrical

41 Approximately Symmetrical
Balance Continued… Approximately Symmetrical Radial Symmetry

42 PATTERN The repetition of elements or combinations of elements in a recognizable organization

43 PROPORTION The size relationship of parts to one another and to a whole.

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