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MIDTERM REVIEW FLASHCARDS 2014-2015 FRET Formal properties Representational properties Expressive properties Technical properties.

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3 FRET Formal properties Representational properties Expressive properties Technical properties

4 Formal properties: look for the elements and principles of design. List and explain at least 2 of each.

5 Representational properties: consider the things or ideas represented by the artwork. What does it remind you of? Why?

6 Expressive properties: what does the work express? (A feeling or thought.) Why do you think this?

7 Technical properties: what technique(s) were used by the artist? What is the work made of?

8 Principles of Art BRUVE Balance Rhythm Unity Variety Emphasis

9 Balance: the distribution of visual weight

10 Rhythm: the repetition of elements in order to create visual movement, the path the viewer’s eye moves around an artwork

11 Unity: The feeling of harmony between all parts of an artwork

12 Variety: To make an element different, to have change

13 Emphasis: The part of the artwork that catches the viewer’s attention (focal point)

14 Elements of art CLaSS F TV Color Line Shape Space Form Texture Value

15 Color: a phenomenon of reflected light with three properties: hue (or its name e.g. red), value (how light or dark it is), and chroma (how dull or bright it is)

16 Line: A mark with greater length than width.

17 Shape: A closed line; 2d (geometric & organic)

18 Space: the illusion of depth within an artwork (positive & negative)

19 Form: Form: a 3D figure (length, width, and height)

20 Texture: a surface quality that can be seen and/or felt

21 Value: the range between lightness and darkness within a composition

22 Primary colors Red Yellow Blue

23 Secondary Colors Made by mixing two primary colors Orange Violet Green

24 Tertiary Colors A primary color plus a secondary color Example: Red Orange

25 Monochromatic One color plus black and white

26 Analogous Colors Next to each other on the color wheel Example: Red, red-orange, orange, yellow orange, yellow

27 Complimentary colors Across from each other on the color wheel Examples: Red+Green, Yellow+Violet, Blue+Orange

28 Warm Colors Red, orange, yellow

29 Cool Colors Blue, green, violet

30 Radial Balance Radiates out from the center

31 Symmetrical Balance The same on both sides

32 Asymmetrical Balance Similar on both sides

33 Function

34 Form

35 Material

36 Technique

37 Decoration

38 Decides the form

39 Must be in harmony with the material

40 Understanding leads to proper or appropriate use

41 Can suggest the decoration

42 Must relate or be adapted to the form

43 Must not interfere with the function

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