The Crusades The Invaders

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Presentation on theme: "The Crusades The Invaders"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Crusades The Invaders
In _______, Byzantine Emperor named Alexius Comnenus ask for ___________ against _____________ THE INVADERS: The ____________ ________ aka ____________ ________ The Muslim Turks were trying to _________ over the ________________capital of ______________________ THE GOAL The _________ of these Christian soldiers were to ___________ 1. ________________ and 2. __________ _________ They wanted it __________ from the Muslim ___________ Pope Urban II Pope ___________II read the letter asking for _______ and called for a “__________ ______” or _________________ He said those who ______________ and ________ in the ________________ would be _______________ a spot in _______________ with all sins _____________. Crusader Spirit There were __________________and _________________ motives for the Crusades Kings and the Church: A way to get _____ of _______________ who always ______________ each other and _____________________ the _________ of the kingdom Younger Sons: A way to gain __________and _______________ in society since the _________ son got everything. Knights and Commoners: fired by religious __________ (______________) Copyright © Clara Kim All rights reserved.

2 Effects of the Crusades Negatives:
First Crusade ___________________troops No ____________ Captured ________________ Carved in up into 4 _____________ states Effects of the Crusades Negatives: Weakened the _________________ Empire, the __________and nobles Kings become _____________ Leaves a legacy of __________________ between the __________________, Jews and the ______________ Positives: Stimulated ____________ throughout the _____________________ and Middle East ______________ learns much from the _______________ Second Crusade Muslim leader ______________ takes control of _____________ Muslim Turks re-conquer the city Saladin is described to be ___________ and brave Third Crusade _____________the Lion Hearted = _____________King and two other leaders recapture Jerusalem He and Saladin _____________each other In the End The _______________ are finally ___________ _______ of Jerusalem Muslim Turks are the ____________ and take over the _________________ in 1453

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