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Presentation on theme: "RECONSTRUCTION APUSH."— Presentation transcript:


2 Presidential Reconstruction, 1863-1865
During the War… Lincoln’s 10% Plan “Wade-Davis Bill” (vetoed) Johnson’s Plan, 1865 Simple oath = pardon Had to approve 13A… Result? 7 states create gov’ts = “status quo ante-bellum” Andrew Johnson Abraham Lincoln

3 Congressional Reconstruction, 1866-1868
Congress refuses to seat So. delegates Passes Civil Rights Bill of 1866 Passes Freedman’s Bureau Act Both are vetoed Both are overridden CR Bill is 1st major override EVER → 14th Amendment

4 Congressional Challenge of the Presidency
Impeachment of Johnson Tenure of Office Act…

5 The Impeachment Process
House of Representatives HR forms committees to determine if any “high crimes and misdemeanors” have been committed HR votes on each issue; 51% is needed to “impeach” (bring official charges against) Senate Trial Chief Justice of Supreme Court = Judge Senators = Jury; need 2/3 of Senate to kick out of office

6 Johnson’s Impeachment
11 articles of impeachment Johnson chastised Precedent set—no impeachment for purely political reasons

7 Radical Republican Reconstruction, 1868-1877
See Red Book p.449 Successes Black suffrage (15th Amendment) Public Schools set up Military occupation of South GOP majority in all So. States Carpetbaggers, scalawags & freedmen Blacks politicized More gov’t programs Racial discrimination outlawed (for the time being) Failures Gov’t programs → graft, corruption, high taxes, huge public debts A carpetbagger

8 Why Reconstruction ended…
Southern Resistance Whites unwilling to accept equality with blacks Corruption charges = true KKK, et. al. rise up Northern Retreat Politically tired (or dead!) Dems win HR 1874 Economic issues drive Nat'l agenda

9 Election of 1876 Hayes (R) vs. Tilden (D) Tilden wins Popular vote
Charges of corruption in 4 states Special committee called House certification “Compromise of 1876”

10 Reconstruction’s Aftermath
Return to a Democrat controlled South Creation of segregated South Effective nullification of 14A & 15 A KKK, et al. Jim Crow Laws Poll tax, literacy test, grandfather clause…

11 Historical Questions Did Reconstruction pave the way for the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s, or were they completely different movements? In other words, was there one Reconstruction, or two?

12 Reflection Questions What was so “radical” about the radical republicans? Why did Reconstruction end? Give one reason for both the North and the South. List two things that you learned that were interesting &/or that you will remember easily a month from now.


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