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JEOPARDY Reconstruction Categories 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400.

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2 JEOPARDY Reconstruction

3 Categories 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Freedmen The Plans Groups of People End of Reconstruction People Hodge Podge

4 Final Jeopardy

5 Who is Hillary Clinton for moving to New York State to run for the Senate. This famous senator was accused of being a carpetbagger for this reason.

6 What was the Freedmen’s Bureau? Many freedmen went to schools established by this government agency.

7 What was sharecropping? Many freedmen worked land owned by another and gave the landowner part of the harvest.

8 What were Black Codes? These were laws that severely limited the rights of freedmen.

9 What is all people born in the U.S. are citizens? This is stated in the 14 th Amendment.

10 This is stated in the 15 th Amendment. What is No state can deny any citizen the right to vote because of “race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”

11 Congress thought my Reconstruction plan was too lenient, but it was never used anyway. What was Abraham Lincoln / 10% Plan?

12 This was one part of Lincoln’s Reconstruction Plan. What was 10% of voters must swear loyalty to Union, must abolish slavery, amnesty?

13 This was one part of Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan. What was the majority of voters in each state must pledge loyalty to U.S., must ratify the 13 th Amendment, former Confederate officials may vote & hold office?

14 This was one part of Radical Reconstruction. What was must disband state governments, south was divided into 5 military districts, must write new constitutions, must ratify the 14 th Amendment, freedmen must be allowed to vote?

15 After vetoing many of Congress’ bills, the House of Representatives impeached me. Who am I and what was the outcome of my trial? Who was Andrew Johnson/ found innocent?

16 A person who wants to make drastic changes in a society. What is a radical?

17 What was the Ku Klux Klan? This was a secret society formed to keep blacks from gaining any power.

18 Northerners who moved south after the civil war. Southerners accused them of trying to get rich off of the south’s misery. Who were carpetbaggers?

19 These were white southerners who supported the Republicans. Who were scalawags?

20 This was the ruling of the Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson. What was separate but equal?

21 I assassinated Abraham Lincoln Who was John Wilkes Booth?

22 I was Vice-President under Lincoln. Who was Andrew Johnson?

23 I was a war hero elected President in 1868. Who was Ulysses S. Grant?

24 I won the Presidential election of 1876 by promising to end Reconstruction. Who was Rutherford B. Hayes?

25 Daily Double “Don’t Choke!”

26 After a voting controversy in 3 states, I lost the Presidential election of 1876. Who was Samuel Tilden?

27 This required voters to pay a fee each time they voted What was a poll tax?

28 The literacy test required voters to do this. What was read and explain difficult parts of the Constitution ?

29 The name of the system represented by this picture. What is segregation?

30 The laws separating the races borrowed their name from this minstrel show character. Who was Jim Crow?

31 This was stated in the grandfather clauses. What was you were exempt from the literacy test if your father or grandfather was eligible to vote on Jan. 1, 1867?

32 This amendment officially banned slavery in the United States. What is the 13 th amendment?

33 According to the cartoon, why is life after Reconstruction “worse than slavery?” What is the freedmen were being terrorized by the KKK and White League.

34 Daily Double “Don’t Choke!”

35 What was marrying legally and owning property? These were the two rights the black codes actually granted to freedmen.

36 What was violence toward freedmen? This was the way Southern Conservatives showed their resistance to Reconstruction

37 Andrew Johnson over used his veto power / he did not support the Freedman’s Bureau or Reconstruction What criticism is the artist of this cartoon trying to make.

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