Review for Test on Progressives

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1 Review for Test on Progressives

2 1. Why was it difficult to enforce laws during prohibition?
Sometimes unpopular laws are difficult to enforce. People continued to drink.

3 2. What was the goal of the Progressive Movement?
Address the problems that came about as a result of industrialization, immigration and urbanization

4 3. Define Muckraker Journalists who wrote articles to expose corruption in society and in government. Goal: reform. Jacob Riis – How the Other half Lives, life in the tenements Upton Sinclair – The Jungle, meat packing industry Ida Tarbell – History of Standard Oil, big business Lincoln Steffans – Shame of the Cities, city government

5 4. Purpose of Food and Drug and Meat Inspection Act
Roosevelt read The Jungle and realized that consumers had to be protected. These acts were set up to clean up the meat packing industry.

6 5. How have the Progressives and the Populists impacted US politics and government?
These 3rd parties have goals that can be eventually absorbed into the major parties.

7 6. Define: Initiative – voters can suggest legislation
Referendum – voters vote on legislation Recall – remove officials from office Direct Primary – members of the party choose candidate PURPOSE – increase participation in government by citizens

8 7. Purpose of Progressive Movement
Deal with problems created by industrialization and urbanization Unsafe living conditions Unsafe working conditions Reformers called for change.

9 8. Purpose of Civil Service Exams
Eliminate spoils system

10 9. Describe Amendments 16th – Graduated Income tax
17th – Direct election of senators 18th – Prohibition 19th – Women’s suffrage

11 10. How did Roosevelt and Wilson view big business?
Fix problems associated with big business Create competition – this will give consumers a choice.

12 11. Temperance Movement Blame alcohol for problems in society
Carrie Nation, WCTU – called for change Difficult to enforce law Amendment is repealed.

13 12. America more democratic
17th Amendment – direct election of senators

14 13. Women’s right to vote 19th amendment – want more say – they had been treated unfairly

15 14. Progressive Presidents and trusts
Interstate Commerce Act – regulate railroad by government Sherman Antitrust Act – Break up trusts to allow for competition and protect small businesses Break up bad trusts

16 15. Federal Reserve Established to regulate amount of money in circulation

17 16. Essay Identify 2 Reforms Describe historical background
Goal of movement Impact Examples: Temperance, women’s suffrage, Anti-trust Movement

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