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Globe Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "Globe Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Globe Skills

2 Latitude A series of horizontal lines used to measure distance north or south of the Equator. Also called Parallels

3 Equator Line that divides the world into northern and southern hemispheres. 0 ° latitude

4 Northern limit of the tropical zone on Earth – 23.5° North
Tropic of Cancer Northern limit of the tropical zone on Earth – 23.5° North

5 Southern limit of the tropical zone on Earth – 23.5° South
Tropic of Capricorn Southern limit of the tropical zone on Earth – 23.5° South

6 Limit of the Northern polar zone on Earth – 66.5° N
Arctic Circle Limit of the Northern polar zone on Earth – 66.5° N

7 Limit of the Southern polar zone on Earth – 66.5° S
Antarctic Circle Limit of the Southern polar zone on Earth – 66.5° S

8 Climate The typical temperature and precipitation for a place over the course of one year There are three zones: Tropical, Temperate, and Polar

9 Tropical Climate: Between Tropics of Cancer
And Capricorn. Hot all year

10 Temperate Climate: Between Tropics and Polar circles.
Hot/warm summers, cold/cool winters.

11 Polar Climate: Between Arctic/Antarctic circles
and the poles. Cold all year.

12 Longitude A series of vertical lines used to measure distance east or west of the Prime Meridian. Also called meridians

13 Prime Meridian Line that divides the world into eastern and western hemispheres. 0° longitude. Opposite the International Date Line

14 International Date Line
Line where one day turns into the next, 180 ° longitude. Opposite the Prime Meridian.

15 Time Zone Areas of the earth measured in segments of roughly 15° longitude. Each of these areas represents a different hour of the day

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