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Welcome to 8th Grade Science

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1 Welcome to 8th Grade Science
Mrs kiser Room 313 Teacher website:

2 Mrs. Kiser This is where I’m from…yes, seriously.
I grew up in Bryan/College Station Texas. Home of the 12th Man! WHOOP! I graduated from Texas A&M University with a degreed in Agricultural Science in 2004. I moved to the Gainesville area nine years ago. This is my 3rd year at CMS.

3 A few of my favorite things…

4 STAAR! Goals of the class Life and professional skills
High school and college readiness Prepare for assessments. STAAR! Most importantly, I want you to learn and work hard.

5 What you need Writing utensils
Two composition book. NO 5 subject notebooks or 3-ring binders! One folder with brads. Scissors (optional) A bottle of Elmer’s glue or a package of 8 glue sticks. Feel free to bring your device!!


7 What we will study Safety and Science Skills Chemistry
Force and Motion Plate Tectonics and Forces that change the surface of the Earth. The Ocean and Weather Lunar Phases The Universe Living Systems and the Environment


9 About the class - Beginning
Upon entering the classroom through the door in the front, greet your teacher, whether that is myself or someone in my place. Be courteous. Turn in Homework & pick up any papers on the front table for the days work. I will ask two people to pass out our journals, go directly to your seat so they may find you. Do any needed housekeeping. Sit in your assigned seat, view the Road Map for the day and copy the day’s objectives quietly. Start on BELLWORK before the bell rings!!!!!!


11 About the class - Middle
What will we do during class? Lots of things! Too many to name here! You will watch. You will listen. You will speak. You will read. You will write. Yes, we write in science class! You will create. You will work cooperatively.




15 Mmmmhmmm….!

16 About the class – the end
You will hear my cell phone alarm. That is the signal to complete the Exit or Closing Task for the day. Then listen for instructions concerning tidying the room, turning in papers, etc. Sit and wait for the bell, then leave the classroom through the door at the front.

17 The Rules – The Five P’s Be…. Punctual Prepared Productive Positive


19 Consequences – What happens?
Verbal warning Phone call or home Reflection time in the hallway or conference with me (possible phone call home) Detention (phone call home, documented) Office referral (phone call home, documented)

20 Please don’t…. I don’t care if you come to class looking like this!!
I don’t teach lessons in your bathroom, please don’t primp in my classroom!

21 Please don’t…. Chat room or text language
The English language is dying, or at least evolving. No need to help it along with wuz, bcuz, idk or anything of its kind. This is a professional environment. Wandering the classroom before class starts. Packing up before I have told you to. Excessive side conversations. Asking for extra credit after you haven’t completed any work all six weeks.



24 Leaving the Classroom Restroom and water breaks Locker Library Nurse
Office Another class Use the sign out sheet


26 That is all! Any Questions??

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