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Fought for power and control

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1 Fought for power and control
Kings and Popes Fought for power and control

2 Who’s in Charge? Kings and Popes fought over who should appoint Bishops Bishop – High ranking person in the Church Kings wanted the right to pick them since they control large areas of the King’s land

3 Henry IV challenges the Pope
King Henry IV started picking Bishops against Pope Gregory VII’s order Pope Gregory excommunicates Henry and says his subjects do not have to listen to him Henry IV goes to see Gregory who makes him wait 3 days in the cold before he allows him back into the Church

4 Henry IV’s Revenge Henry was humiliated and invaded Italy in 1084 and replaced Pope Gregory with another Pope From this point forward Kings began to take power away from Popes.

5 Feudalism Declines As towns began to grow Feudalism declined
The Crusades weakened nobles Kings began to protect towns and began to attack nobles that opposed them

6 King’s Gain Power As King’s began to take a more active role they became the main authority People began to recognize the King as their leader, not the local Lord or Noble. Kingdom’s began to become Nations Nation – land with a common government, language and culture

7 King John Taxed people heavily, jailed people unjustly without trials
He also fought with the Church He appointed his own Bishops and took away Church lands Pope excommunicates him He angered the Church and the wealthy

8 Magna Carta The Bishops and the wealthy made a list of demands that they forced King John to sign if he wanted to remain King. John had no choice Once King John signed it, the “Great Charter” or Magna Carta became law

9 Impact of Magna Carta Magna Carta limited the King’s power over the nobles (1st time in history a King ever gave up power) Could not jail people without cause Could not tax people without their agreement The Nobles were a council that wold become Parliament

10 Hundred Years’ War As kingdoms became nations, rivalries developed between nations France and England began a series of wars to become the strongest empire in the world. The Hundred Years’ War was the 1st war

11 Hundred Years’ War English King Edward III wanted to be King of France
He invaded France and the French nobles fought back The war continued until Joan of Arc defeated the English at Orleans She was captured and burned at the stake as a witch

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