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Transforming Roman World

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Presentation on theme: "Transforming Roman World"— Presentation transcript:

1 Transforming Roman World
Byzantine Empire Transforming Roman World

2 Germanic Kingdoms German kings replaced many rulers in western Roman Empire Roman Empire became collection of German states

3 Franks Long lasting German state Clovis (500 A.D.)
Strong military leader First Germanic ruler to convert to Christianity Earned support of Roman Catholic Church Romans and Germans intermarry and form new society

4 ROLE OF THE CHURCH System of Organization Popes Bishops Priests

5 Gregory I 6th century Strengthened office of pope
Took control of Rome and surrounding territories Papacy source of religious and political power

6 Monks “man who separates himself from ordinary human society in order to pursue a life of total dedication to God” Benedict’s rule Primary emphasis on prayer and manual labor Physical labor required Prayer 7 times a day

7 Monasteries Centers of learning Spread Christianity to Europe

8 Nuns Female versions of monks Lived in convents
Abbess in charge of each convent

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