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Developmental Perspective

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1 Developmental Perspective
children with psychological disorders vary in symptoms and causes But all have experienced some problem in development

2 Assumptions: Developmental processes are important
Context is important Multiple factors interact in shaping adaptive and maladaptive development i.e. causal factors are COMPLEX

3 Developmental Pathways
Refers to the sequence and timing of behaviors, and the relationship between them over time Two types of developmental pathways: multifinality: similar early experiences lead to different outcomes equifinality: different early experiences lead to a similar outcome

4 Developmental Pathways (cont.)
Figure 1.1 (a) Multifinality: Similar early experiences lead to different outcomes; (b) Equifinality: Different factors lead to a similar outcome

5 A general developmental framework
Biological context – organic influences Individual context – variables within the person Family context – parent/child relationships, family system, parenting strategies, etc. Social context – broad social relationships e.g. peer relationships, school Cultural context – larger social and cultural factors e.g. social class, ethnicity, nationality, etc.

6 Insert developmental framework picture here

7 What is the first question to ask?

8 Developmental psychopathology

9 Domains of development
Biological Genetics – interactions between genes and environment “niche-picking” – children increasingly shape their own environments temperament types “goodness of fit” – meshing of temperament & demands of the environment

10 Domains of Development cont’
Cognitive magical thinking e.g. play shark/am a shark? understanding of causality cognitive distortions

11 Domains of Development cont’
Emotional Development emotion expression – influenced by caregivers social referencing – a way to judge meaning emotion understanding emotional regulation

12 Domains of Development cont’
Attachment patterns of attachment – quality of caregive/infant relationship secure insecure – ambivalent (resistant) - avoidant

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14 Thought Questions related to development
How do you think family and social influences change over the course of development? What is your opinion of the macro model presented? Is there anything missing from the model or anything that you might remove?

15 Readings

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