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The Crusades 1096-1204 And Beyond…...

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1 The Crusades And Beyond…..

2 Setting the Stage The Seljuk Turks take over Abbasid lands and Byzantine Lands

3 The Seljuk Turks Under their control there were many civil wars
1076 they take Jerusalem and what is known as the Holy Lands Christian visiting Jerusalem and the Holy lands are poorly treated.

4 Byzantine Emperor: Alexios Komnenos
He marks the height of Komneno power (not saying much) Byzantine Empire collapsing. Issues from Seljuk Turks, and Normans. Decides to turn to the West for help. Why would asking help from the West be a problem? Why could he still do it?

5 Pope Urban II: Answers the call
Secular power around this time was starting to over power the Church. Pope Urban was a powerful politician. He was a great leader and speaker. Decides to answer the call for help to increase Church authority Jobs for knights Gaining back the Holy lands

6 Urban’s Speech 1096 A call to all, and if you go and fight the Muslims for Jerusalem you will go to Heaven no matter what. People took strips of cloth with the cross on it to indicate the would go on the Crusades. Whole villages vowed to go. Six years of income needed to help support. Promise of great riches. “Take the land and rule over it yourselves”. Islamic empire was the center of trade. Jews slaughtered as Crusaders move across Europe towards the Holy Land.

7 Alexios Komnenos reacts to his help
Surprise! He was asking for an elite army, not villages. (60,000) Rejection! He would not let the Crusaders in the gates. Feeding such a group would be a very difficult. Ewww they are barbarians.

8 1st Crusades ( ) Struck a deal with the Byzantine Emperor. Emperor offers to help Crusaders by helping with food. Crusaders swear alliance to Emperor. Meaning any lands won will go back to the Byzantines.

9 Nicaea: First city Goal, lands go back to Byzantium, but riches they keep. Byzantine betrays them. Tells the city they will be chopped up by the Christians it was better to surrender to Byzantine Empire. Crusaders move on towards Jerusalem Seljuk Turks attack: Battle of Dorylaeum (1097). This is the first major battle of the Crusades. Turks: Archers on horses, smaller horses. Looks like they would win, but a second Crusader force overwhelms Turks the back off.


11 Setting up Crusader States
Edessa: Christian city. Struck a deal with the leader. He will not attack if he gets to be king of city. Antioch(site of first church): Turkish city. Tricked local Christians from the city. Took 9 months for Crusaders to get through the walls. Traitor let the Crusaders in the city. Crusader leader keeps it for himself. Tripoli: Stories come from this of Crusaders eating human flesh Jerusalem: Now under the Fatimid Dynasty. If they captured a Muslim they would use them in the catapults.

12 End of the First Crusade 1096-1099
Christians saw this Crusade as a success Muslims were occupied by a group of “fanatic” Christians Muslims had a common enemy 4 Western Kingdoms were set up in Islamic territory. New strained relationship between Muslims and Christians. Opening of trade routes to the West More wealth and opportunities for sons without lands, and poor knights. Extends power of Church

13 Second Crusade ( )

14 Second Crusade : Loss of Edessa
Muslims re-organized under a common enemy and took Edessa Christians wanted to regain the lost city. Christians who did not go on the first Crusade were excited to have the opportunity to go on another. Getting rid of trouble some knights. First Crusade very religious, second economic opportunities.

15 End results of Second Crusades
Both Crusader armies from Germany and France failed. Edessa was not recovered. Christians still held onto Jerusalem. Christians left to wonder why they could not win (God on their side?) Muslims experiencing success.

16 Third Crusade ( )

17 Saladin and Richard the Lionheart
Muslims continue to unite, strong leadership Saladin. Very honorable. Saladin was able to take back most lost lands from Christians. Christians lose Jerusalem and go on the Third Crusade. Results: Richard was able to gain back some lands, like Acre. Crusaders did not gain back Jerusalem. Peace treaty- Crusaders able to keep Crusader states, but not Jerusalem. Muslims allowed Christians to travel unarmed to Jerusalem.

18 Two Failed Crusades No longer a tool to help strengthen faith/Church
Lands for the most part lost, and Christians will continue to lose more and more lands until all are lost. Crusades will continue for another 100 years, but will yield no success.

19 The Fourth Crusade ( )

20 Another Emperor asks for help
Around 1200 AD. The Pope began asking for another crusade. Saladin had died, and he felt that gave them a shot. Crusaders decided to attack Jerusalem by traveling by sea. Instead of invading from the North they thought they would invade from the South (Egypt). They get to Venice for the boats, and could not pay for them. So the Venetians said they would let the Crusaders pay later if they help Venice to win back a lost city. Crusaders help…problem the city Zara was a Christian city. Pope excommunicates Crusaders (No Heaven for them)

21 The Non-Religious Crusade
No longer having backing from the Church this becomes a non-religious crusade. Alexius IV Comnenus had been thrown out of Constantinople. He told the excommunicated Crusaders he would fund their Crusade if they help him get power back. Crusaders are successful…Alexius can’t pay. His over taxing gets him killed. No money Crusaders now attack Constantinople. The successfully take the city. LATIN OCCUPATION They brought back so much wealth from Constantinople the Pope lets them back into Church.


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