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Urban models 4-box Analysis

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1 Urban models 4-box Analysis
AP Human Geography Cities and Urban Land Use Unit

2 TFR is NOT closely associated with which of the following?
For today, 04/19 Pick up a blank sheet of paper. You will need your laptop today. If you can’t access the internet, borrow a textbook. Unit Exam is this Friday! Homework from yesterday and for tomorrow is to take notes over the “Urban Models and Hierarchies” powerpoint. TFR is NOT closely associated with which of the following? Gender empowerment, Industrial output, Education, Economic development, Literacy rates Urban Model 

3 Applications of the Models
They’re models. Not 100% true 100% of the time. No one model is more correct than the other. Effective use of the models depend on the availability of data at the scale of individual neighborhoods 5,000 people census tracts They help us explain where people with different social characteristics tend to live within an urban area. They can help us explain why certain types of people tend to live in particular places.

4 Burgess’ Concentric Zone Model
* Ernest Burgess - based his city model on 1920's Chicago * City grows out from the CBD in a concentric (ring pattern) * Wealth increases with distance from CBD

5 Harris and Ullman’s Multiple Nuclei Model
* City is a complex structure that includes more than one center around which activities revolve * Some activities are attracted to particular nodes while others avoid them * Ex: Airport=hotels & warehouses * Ex: University=well- educated residents, book stores and pizza stores

6 Hoyt’s Sector Model * City grows in a series of sectors * Certain areas are more attractive to certain activities, by environmental factors, or by chance * As a city grows, activities expand in sectors out from the CBD * Industrial and retailing are in sectors by good transportation lines.

7 Burgess’s Concentric Zone Model in Houston

8 Hoyt’s Sector Model in Houston

9 Multiple Nuclei Model in Houston

10 Urban Models 4-Box Analysis
(1,) Perform the Japanese IQ Test (origami) and create 4 boxes. (2.) For the three model boxes, draw and discuss each model. (3.) For the “My City, My Model” box, pick a city and use ONE model to discuss its spatial characteristics. You must draw the city showing how it fits the model and explain its Economic, Cultural, or Economic characteristics. Concentric Zone Model Multiple-Nuclei Model Sector Model My City, My Model (ex. Dallas – Sector Model) (1.) Show it (2.) Explain it

11 They

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