Chapter 9 – Inequities of Race and Ethnicity

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1 Chapter 9 – Inequities of Race and Ethnicity

2 Minority - A group of people with physical or cultural traits different from those of the dominant group in society.

3 Characteristics of a minority:
1. Distinctive physically or culturally which can be used to separate it from majority. 2. Minority is dominated by the majority.

4 3. Minority traits are often believed by the majority to be inferior.
4. Members of minority have common sense of identity with strong group loyalty.

5 5. The majority determines who belongs to the minority through ascribed status.

6 Race - People sharing certain inherited physical characteristics that are considered important within a society.

7 Ethnicity - Group identified by cultural, religious, or national characteristics.

8 Ethnocentric - ???

9 Assimilation – The blending or fusing of minority groups into the dominant society.

10 Patterns of Assimilation -
1. Anglo-conformity – Minority is accepted if they conform to the accepted standard. 2. melting pot – all ethnic and racial minorities voluntarily blend together.

11 3. Cultural Pluralism – “Tossed Salad” – Desire of the minority group to maintain some identity separate from the dominant group.

12 4. Accommodation - Extreme cultural pluralism
Amish Cubans in Miami

13 Patterns of Conflict - 1. Genocide – Most extreme – effort to destroy an entire population 2. Population Transfer – Minority forced to move to remote location or out of country

14 3. Subjugation – Minority is denied equal access to benefits of society.
A. “De Jure” – based on Law B. “De Facto” – based on everyday practice

15 Prejudice - Widely held negative attitudes toward a group (majority or minority) and its individual members.

16 Racism - Extreme form of Prejudice. Assumes superiority of one group over another.

17 Discrimination - Treating people differently based on ethnicity, race, religion, and culture.

18 Criminal Acts motivated by prejudice.
Hate Crimes - Criminal Acts motivated by prejudice.

19 Stereotypes - A distorted, exaggerated, or over-simplified image applied to a whole category of people.

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