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Systems of government and types of Economies

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1 Systems of government and types of Economies

2 This is an economic system proposed by Karl Marx in which all means of production are owned by the proletariat, but are controlled by the government. i.e. Soviet union or china Democracy Theocracy Communism Constitutional Monarchy Answer is C. Communism

3 This is a form of government in which a god is placed as the head of state and all rules are based solely along religious doctirine. Communism Theocracy Confederation Oligarchy Answer is B. Theocracy

4 A group of provinces or states that come together under a common constitution. They differ from a federation in that they retain specific state or provincial rights. Communism Theocracy Confederation Oligarchy Answer is C confederation

5 This means “rule by a small group” and describes the system of government employed by Ancient Sparta. Oligarchy Confederation Theocracy Autocracy The answer is A. Oligarchy

6 This is a type of government in which a group of individual states are united under a strong, central government Federation Oligarchy Parliamentary Democracy Communism The Answer is A. Federation or Federal government

7 This is a type of government in which the institutions of the state are governed as a single unit, with one constitutionally created legislature A. Federal B. Unitary C. Confederation D. Oligarchy The answer is B. Unitary

8 This is a type of government in which power is held by a single, self-Appointed Ruler
Autocratic Oligarchic Democratic None of the Above The answer is A. Autocratic

9 In this type of government, political and governmental power is held by the citizens of the country, who choose who among themselves will lead them Autocracy Oligarchy Democracy None of the above The Answer is C. Democracy

10 In this type of government, there is no clear-cut separation of powers between the legislative and executive branches, though the legislative has most of the governmental power. Communism Theocracy Autocracy Parliamentary Democracy The Answer is D. Parliamentary Democracy

11 In this type of government, the elected head of the executive branch acts independently of the legislative and judicial branches A. Communism B. Theocracy C. Autocracy D. Presidential Democracy The Answer is D. Presidential Democracy

12 This is a form of government in which a monarch is head of state but his or her powers are restricted by law, usually within a parliamentary system. Communism Theocracy Presidential Democracy Constitutional Monarchy The answer is D. Constitutional Monarchy

13 Types of economies

14 This economy allows for all decisions to be made by the interaction between supply and demand.
Market Command Traditional Mixed The answer is A. Market

15 This economy occurs when the individual has little influence over the basic economic questions; instead, the government make the decisions. The answer is B. Command

16 The three economic questions are made by the consumers and the government.
The answer is D. Mixed

17 Ensures competition by allowing the government to regulate businesses and offer subsidies
The answer is D. Mixed

18 Exists in mostly third world (Developing) countries where bartering is the main source of obtaining goods. The answer is C. Traditional

19 Most common around the world and offers for the greatest amount of growth within a period of time
The Answer is D. Mixed

20 This economy occurs when the government owns all the factors of production.
The answer is B. Command


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