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2 INTRO My magazine is about high street fashion. My aim is to feature all high street brands for example there are many high street brands that have their own catalogue which only features their own brand but this magazine will showcase clothes from all high street brands and incorporate it into one magazine. This is the unique selling point of the magazine. The genre of the magazine is fashion. I chose to do a magazine about fashion because I have always been interested in fashion from a younger age. I would like the magazine to be released monthly because then it could follow the trends of the season. Also most stores get new clothes in most months so if I did the magazine monthly instead of weekly I could really gather more ideas for the magazine and create bigger and better content. The magazine will be priced at £3.99 because I aim to include a lot of content and competitions in the magazine but also because the magazine would be released monthly so it would be a small fee for the magazine compared to if the magazine was released weekly.

I had possible ideas for my magazine such as street, high street, street trends. After considering the options and researching to see if the name was taken, I chose to go with the name ‘Street trends’ because I thought it really showed what the magazine is about. My main target audience is tweens (female) around although this is quite young I believe it would be an age better suited for to read a high street magazine because once you get a bit older you start earning a bit more money and therefore are able to buy more expensive makeup and clothes etc. It would be aimed towards people who's general interests are shopping. According to ("Yougov Profiles LITE") my main target demographic would be London. I choose the name and the style of graffiti writing to really get the message across to the audience that it is a high street fashion magazine. (Graffiti Writing) I like the idea of graffiti writing for my front cover because I believe it really emphasises that the magazine is a high street magazine.

4 ADVERTISEMENT I would advertise the magazine on social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram because they have a big following and it could really attract the target audience for the magazine as social media is more popular with the younger ages. Also in shops such as the ‘co-op’ I could advertise the magazine in their by making a special stand etc. which could stand out against the other magazine and really attract an audience. This could also be a launch idea and could try to advertise in the high street clothing stores.

5 COST The price of the magazine is £3.99. I chose this price because I aim to include a lot of content in each new issue and also because the magazine is set to release monthly it would be a smaller fee then if it was released weekly. I also would like the magazine to be released online and for readers to be able to subscribe to a monthly subscription. This would be £2.99, it would be cheaper so that it would seem like a better deal to subscribe to magazine monthly. Also if the magazine is online it would be more appealing to my target audience.

6 FLATPLAN (Flatplan) I like this flatplan because its quite close to what I envision my magazine front cover to look like. I would like the header to be vertical on the front page as I feel this is quite different for a magazine. The price and the barcode etc. would go on the bottom left corner so it is visible for the reader to see but isn’t a main focus of the front page. I would want the image to be covering the whole page with the text on the front cover on top of the image. Also I would want it to be just one image.


8 DESIGN The vibrant colours of the glamour magazine but the style of the other magazine. I would like my front page to look like these two pictures incorporated because I like the idea of the brick wall which really again gives the idea of streets and then I think that having the title on the side of the magazine is quite different and not a lot of magazines do it. The page spreads to be quite graphic with lots of pictures and then some with the articles. (Screenshots from my mood board) These were my ideas for the front cover, contents page and the articles. I wanted to write articles such as the ‘best shop for this (item)’ ‘best dressed and worst dressed’ and also ‘(this seasons) trends’. My survey also showed these were good topics for my target audience.

9 MAIN ARTICLES Feature Article
I wanted the interview piece to be on a beauty vlogger such as Zoella because she is a popular YouTuber and has a huge following especially with my target audience. I would want the main focus of the interview to be about what her favourite high street shop is, what shop she goes in the most and what high street shop she likes for a specific item of clothing. This is sticking with the main theme of the magazine but is also something people would want to read and to find out more information on Zoella. Interview Piece I would want the interview to be with again a YouTuber to really appeal to the target audience or even if you could get a celebrity which would really boost the amount of readers. Other Articles I have other ideas for articles such as the biggest trends for this season, best dressed, best high street shop for this item etc.

10 SUCCESS RATE I believe the magazine has a high chance of being successful because of the unique selling point which pairs very well with the target audience. This is because of how the ages generally shop more in high street stores. I also think the price and the reason behind the pricing is reasonable for the target audience. Additionally adding in the option for an online subscription would really be helpful because the target audience is quite partial to social media and online content and could be more likely to read online or to do a monthly subscription.

11 Graffiti Writing. Web. 7 Oct. 2016.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Graffiti Writing. Web. 7 Oct "Yougov Profiles LITE". YouGov Profiles LITE. N.p., Web. 20 Oct Flatplan Web. 20 Oct

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