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Warm up #16 12/15/16 What is free enterprise and why is it better for our economy than mercantilism?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up #16 12/15/16 What is free enterprise and why is it better for our economy than mercantilism?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up #16 12/15/16 What is free enterprise and why is it better for our economy than mercantilism?

2 No. 5 James Monroe "The best form of government is that which is most likely to prevent the greatest sum of evil.“

3 Defining the Authority of the Central Government
“Era of Good Feelings” Increased nationalism (pride in your country) Political unity (Federalist party disappears) Missouri Compromise Missouri= entered the U.S. as a slave state Maine= entered the U.S. as a free state Kept balance of power between North and South in Congress



6 Maintaining National Security
Relations with Great Britain improved with agreements over trade disputes Tensions increased with Spain over boundaries of the Louisiana Territory and Florida Seminoles raided the US,then were protected by the Spanish Gen. Andrew Jackson chased back the Seminoles and invaded Florida Treaty of Adams-Onis (1819): Spain ceded Florida to the U.S.

7 Creating a stable Economic System
The American System: 2nd bank of the U.S. Higher tariffs $ for roads, bridges, and canals (internal improvements)

8 Setting up the Court System
Maryland tried to tax its branch of the National Bank States could claim power over the federal govt.!!! McCullough v. Maryland (1819) – Supreme Court upheld federal authority by ruling states cannot tax federal property Gibbons v Ogden (1824) – interstate commerce could only be regulated by the fed gov, not the states

9 Sentence Starters… McCulloch v. Maryland
McCulloch- “I believe that Mr. McCulloch thought he was in the right because…” Maryland- “I believe Maryland thought they were in the right because…” Gibbons v. Ogden Gibbons- “I believe Gibbons thought his rights were being violated because…” Ogden- “I believe Ogden thought his rights were being violated because…”

10 Exit Slip 6th per. In 4-5 sentences, describe how Monroe’s presidency is called the “Era of Good Feelings.”

11 Warm Up #17 12/16/16 . What are two other characteristics of the Era of Good Feelings?

12 What is the main idea reflected in this quote?
"...that the American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintain, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European power.” “. . . In the wars of the European powers in matters relating to themselves we have never taken any part, nor does it comport with our policy so to do… It is only when our rights are invaded or seriously menaced that we make preparation for our defense.” President 1823 What other president had a similar foreign policy?

13 Foreign Policies Many European powers wanted to help Portugal & Spain keep or regain their colonies in Latin America Monroe Doctrine Americas are closed to European imperialism Violation would be “dangerous to our peace and safety” Promised to stay out of European affairs


15 Building a Military Built a stronger navy to protect our “Backyard” from European imperialism.





20 Warm up #13 12/10/13 Summarize the Monroe Doctrine in 1-2 sentences.
The Monroe Doctrine was a policy that…

21 Exit Slip – ½ sheet of paper
Compare the policies in the Monroe Doctrine with that of Washington’s foreign policy. What are the similarities? Does the U.S. still abide by these policies today?

22 Creating a stable Economic System
Panic of 1819 – first major financial crisis in the United States

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