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WARM UP – May 1 Using your notes from Friday, answer the following questions on a post it: What battle is considered a major turning point in the Pacific.

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Presentation on theme: "WARM UP – May 1 Using your notes from Friday, answer the following questions on a post it: What battle is considered a major turning point in the Pacific."— Presentation transcript:

1 WARM UP – May 1 Using your notes from Friday, answer the following questions on a post it: What battle is considered a major turning point in the Pacific for the Allies? What strategy could the allies start using in regards to getting closer to Japan? What was the purpose of the Yalta Conference? What defense could no longer be used following the Nuremburg Trials? Based on your Atomic Bomb Debate presentations, what do you think is the main reason given for supporting the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan?

2 QUIZ REVIEW Country Italy invaded in 1935
Period of no fighting in World War II Japan’s biggest competition for resources in China Strategy used by France and Britain with Germany Which individual in Britain supported this strategy? Which individual opposed this strategy?

3 QUIZ REVIEW Why was appeasement a failure?
What is the Neutrality Act, Cash and Carry Act, and Lend Lease Act? Shows that the U.S wanted to use what strategy if another world war began? What would Hitler’s Master Race look like? Which laws made it legal to discriminate against Jews in Germany? Walled off sections of cities where Jews were rounded up are called?

4 QUIZ REVIEW What kind of government was formed in Germany after WWI?
What allowed Hitler and Mussolini to gain so much support? (Why did people like them?) What kind of ruler was Hitler? What is fascism? Why did Hitler and Stalin sign a non-aggression pact? Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor?

5 QUIZ REVIEW What was Kristallnacht?
Why did Hitler wanted to absorb Austria and Czecholovakia into his Third Reich? What was the name given to the largest military invasion in military history called? Which political ideology did Hitler view as dangerous? What policy did the U.S. use between WW1 and WW2? What is the Manhattan Project?


7 Former Allies Clash US USSR
Capitalism – private citizens controlled almost all economic activity POTUS and Congress elected by the people from opposing parties Furious Stalin supported Hitler for a period of time USSR Communist dictatorship – state controlled all property and economic activity Stalin established a totalitarian government with no opposing parties Stalin resented the western Allies for waiting so long to attack Germany directly Frustrated that the US kept the atomic bomb development secret

8 The United Nations April 25, 1945 – 50 nations met in San Francisco, CA to establish new peace keeping body  June 26, 1945 – United Nations charter signed Intended to keep peace, but US and USSR used it as a forum to spread influence over others UN has four goals: To keep peace throughout the world; To develop friendly relations among nations; To help nations work together to improve the lives of poor people, to conquer hunger, disease and illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each other’s rights and freedoms; To be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goals.

9 The Potsdam Conference
July 1945 – Big Three (US, USSR, Britain) met at final wartime conference in Potsdam, Germany 4 things had changed since Yalta Conference in Feb 1945 USSR occupied eastern Europe New British Prime Minister - Attlee New POTUS – Truman US tested atomic bomb USSR prevented free elections in Poland (violation of Yalta Conference compromises)  Truman angered Spread of democracy/self-determination in eastern Europe halted Hard to sell US goods to eastern European countries

10 Stalin and Eastern Europe
USSR felt justified in dominating eastern Europe Huge war deaths (20M), many civilians Physical destruction caused by warfare Wanted to stop future invasions Stalin set up communist gov’ts in Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Yugoslavia, and Poland  satellite nations (countries dominated by USSR) 1946 – Stalin gives speech Communism and capitalism incompatible Another war inevitable

11 Goals: US vs. USSR US USSR Self-determination for all nations
Gain access to raw materials and markets for industries (unrestricted trade) Rebuild European countries and economies  stability and new markets Reunite Germany and ensure productivity USSR Encourage communism Rebuild economy using satellite nations’ raw materials Control eastern Europe to balance US influence in western Europe Keep Germany divided to prevent future threats

12 Containment and the Iron Curtain
Time to stop “babying the Soviets” – Truman Feb 1946 – policy of containment – taking measures to prevent any extension of communist rule to other countries West Europe vs. East Europe = “iron curtain”

13 Cold War Cold War – conflict between the US and USSR between in which neither nation directly confronted the other on a battlefield

14 Truman Doctrine US and Britain need to prevent communism in Greece and Turkey, but Britain broke  US takes charge March 1947, Truman and Congress allocated $400M in economic and military aid to Turkey and Greece “It must be the policy of the US to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside aggressors.”  Truman Doctrine – policy of providing aid to free nations threatened by internal/external opponents

15 Marshall Plan European countries in postwar devastation and may look to Stalin for help… 1947, Sec. of State George Marshall  Marshall Plan US provides aid to all European countries that need it “not against any country or doctrine, but against hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos.” – Marshall Revived Europe, by 1952… 16 countries received $13B in aid Western Europe flourishing, preventing spread of Communism

16 Conflict Over Germany 1948 – 4 sections combined into 2
West Germany (and West Berlin) – US, Britain, France East Germany (and East Berlin) – USSR Stalin closed rail access to West Berlin  no food or fuel, enough to last 5 weeks Berlin Airlift – 327 day operation in which US and British planes flew food and supplies to West Berlin after the Soviet blockade in 277,000 flights 2.3 million tons of supplies

17 NATO Alliance vs. Warsaw Pact
1949 West Germany Federal Republic of Germany (included West Berlin) East Germany  German Democratic Republic, USSR controlled (included East Berlin) April 4, 1949 – North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) formed Belgium, Denmark, France, Britain, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, US, and Canada (later Greece, Turkey, and West Germany) Pledged military support to each other in the event of an attack First time in history the US entered a military alliance during peacetime  No more US isolationism! 1955 – Warsaw Pact – military alliance between USSR and 7 eastern European nations

18 WARM UP – May 1 On a post-it, describe a similar historical event you could compare OR contrast each of the following to: The Christian attempt to take back the Holy Land of Jerusalem from the Muslims The Spread of Islam into Northern Africa The Destruction of Native American culture and civilizations in the New World

19 Long Essay Thesis – simply state your argument – pick one side to argue “The United States strategy of containment during the Cold War was successful.” Then present your evidence that you will use to support your argument – (pick 2-3 pieces of evidence to argue). Korean, Vietnam, Afghanistan Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Eisenhower Doctrine The United States attempt to contain communism led them to successfully institute their policy of containment in Korea and Vietnam as well as arming rebellions in countries occupied by the Russians such as Afghanistan. The United States was also able to achieve success by aiding countries under the threat of communism thru the use of the Truman and Eisenhower Doctrine as well as the Marshall Plan.

20 THESIS The United States strategy of containment during the Cold War was successful. The United States attempt to contain communism led them to successfully institute their policy of containment in Korea and Vietnam as well as arming rebellions in countries occupied by the Russians such as Afghanistan. The United States was also able to achieve success by aiding countries under the threat of communism thru the use of the Truman and Eisenhower Doctrine as well as the Marshall Plan.

21 HISTORICAL SKILL Now you want to simply go into the evidence you presented in more detail 2nd paragraph – go into detail about Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan (why the U.S. thought they should be involved, what happened (Why does it show U.S. is successful in containing communism) 3rd paragraph – go into detail about Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Eisenhower Doctrine (the purpose of each, where they were used, why they show that the U.S. was successful in containing communism)

22 SYNTHESIS Compare OR Contrast to a similar historical event
France and Britain - Appeasement before World War II U.S. neutrality before World War I or World War II (contrast U.S. containment and being involved in foreign affairs to when it wanted nothing to do with foreign affairs) Globalization – how the U.S. is now spreading its culture and influence contrasted with how it wanted to stop the spread of communism

23 REVIEW QUIZ Groups of 3 One answer sheet per group (notebook sheet of paper) Number 1 – 50 (all multiple choice) Allowed to use notes, online sources, book You have 60 minutes to turn in your responses Each question is worth 2 pts. I will grade your answers and give them back to you – you then can correct any you answered incorrectly to get half the points back QUIZ GRADE

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