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Jeopardy! Begin.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy! Begin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy! Begin

2 FDR Again Dictators 1930’s Policies Appeasement Danger, Danger Almost Normal $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

3 London Economic Conference
FDR Again- $100 FDR torpedoed this in 1933 by scolding the delegates for trying to stabilize currency? C1-$100 London Economic Conference

4 Recognized the Bolshevik Government of Russia
FDR Again - $200 Hitler was on the rise, Japan was ravishing the Far East and FDR wanted more trade. So FDR did what? C1-$200 Recognized the Bolshevik Government of Russia

5 FDR Again - $300 In 1934 the U.S. did this in the Philippines?
C1-$300 Granted independence

6 FDR Again - $400 FDR’s plan to inaugurate a new era of friendliness in the Americas?
Good Neighbor Policy

7 Reciprocal Trade Agreement Acts
FDR Again - $500 This whittled down the most objectionable portions of the Smoot-Hawley Acts. C1-$500 Reciprocal Trade Agreement Acts

8 Dictators - $100 Dictator of Russia and his political leaning?
Josef Stalin Communist

9 Dictators - $200 Dictator of Japan and his political leaning?
Hirohito Fascism

10 Dictators - $300 Dictator of Italy and his political leaning?
Benito Mussolini Fascist

11 Dictators - $400 Dictator of Germany and his political leaning?
Adolph Hitler National Socialist (Fascist)

12 Ethiopia Haile Selassie (The Lion of Judah)
Dictators - $500 Country that Italy invaded and defeated in 1935 & its leader? Why? C2-$500 Ethiopia Haile Selassie (The Lion of Judah)

13 Policies - $ , 36, 37 when FDR proclaims that when foreigners go to war, no American can sail on a belligerent ship or sell or transport munitions to them? C3-$100 Neutrality Acts

14 Policies - $200 Leader of the Spanish Fascists and winner of the Spanish Civil War.
Francisco Franco

15 Blitzkrieg (Lightening War)
Policies - $300 Germany first practiced then perfected this military strategy in the Spanish Civil War? C3-$300 Blitzkrieg (Lightening War)

16 Policies - $400 The curtain raiser of WW II, this happened in 1938?
Japanese invasion of Manchuria (Manchuka)

17 Policies - $500 This was Hitler’s start at persecuting his old enemies the Jews?

18 Appeasement - $100 Hitler began his power play in 1935 when his army took this area from France?

19 Appeasement - $200 In 1935 Hitler also annexed this German speaking country?

20 Appeasement - $300 More Germans was the call, and soon Hitler’s army took this area?
Sudetenland (Czech)

21 The rest of Czechosolvakia
Appeasement - $400 After the Munich Agreement (Chamberlain said, “We have peace in or time”), Hitler’s army took? C3-$400 The rest of Czechosolvakia

22 Hitler-Stalin Non-Aggression Pact
Appeasement - $500 This stunned the world. It allowed an attack on Poland by Germany and Russia? C3-$500 Hitler-Stalin Non-Aggression Pact

23 Danger, Danger - $100 The day WW II began with the Bliztkrieg of Poland?
C4-$100 September 1, 1939

24 Danger, Danger - $200 These Allies of Poland were soon drawn into the conflict?
G.B. & France

25 Danger, Danger - $300 The months after Poland fell was called this?
Phony War

26 Danger, Danger - $400 Following this strategy, Hitler’s army marched through Belgium & Holland and straight into Paris? C4-$400 Schlieffen Plan

27 Danger, Danger - $500 He came to power in G. B
Danger, Danger - $500 He came to power in G.B. after the Miracle of Dunkirk? C4-$500 Winston Churchill

28 Almost Normal- $100 Republican candidate for Pres. in 1940?
Wendell Wilkie

29 Almost Normal - $200 FDR did this politically in 1940?
Shattered the 2 term tradition

30 Almost Normal - $300 Under the slogan “Send Guns, Not Sons” the U. S
Almost Normal - $300 Under the slogan “Send Guns, Not Sons” the U.S. Congress approved this? C4-$300 Lend-Lease Act

31 Almost Normal - $400 In June 1941 Hitler surprised the world by attacking this oil rich country?

32 Almost Normal - $500 This agreement among the future Allies called for a disarmament and a peace of security? C4-$500 Atlantic Charter

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