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The Cold War For Students of European History

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1 The Cold War For Students of European History

2 Political Theories and the Beginning of the Cold War

3 The End of WWII V-E Day Allied forces cross the Rhine River and get within 70 miles of Berlin Soviet forces push into the outskirts of Berlin On April 27th Germans are surrounded in Berlin in an area 10miles x 3miles On April 30, 1945 Hitler poisons his mistress and shoots himself in a bunker in Berlin. His body is carried outside by his next in command and burned Germany surrenders on May 7th How did WWII end in Europe?

4 The End of WWII V-J Day Americans demanded an unconditional surrender for Japan Japan was willing to surrender if their emperor could remain in power On August 6, 1945 the Enola Gay dropped “Little Boy” on Hiroshima. On August 9th the Soviet Union declared war on Japan AND the US dropped another atomic bomb on Nagasaki Japan surrendered August 15th, 1945 How did WWII end in Japan?

5 Rising Tensions- Yalta and Potsdam Conferences
Poland Should Poland have their original non-communist government back or keep the communist government that the Soviets put into place during the war? Declaration of Liberated Europe Which form of government should the countries of Europe be influenced to form as they rebuild? Germany Should Germany be forced to pay war reparations even though the country is broken and destroyed? Work with a partner to answer these questions US wanted the Polish to be able to choose, Russia wanted a border country to be communist Though Stalin agreed to the Declaration, he started to limit how many non-communist countries could be in Europe The US believed that Germany was key to Europe’s recovery, Russia wanted them to pay ----- Meeting Notes (3/5/12 08:06) ----- Poland- The Soviets agreed to free elections in Poland but then refused to allow no more than 3 non-communist members in the Parliment German- divided into 4 zones belonging to France, Britain, US and Russia; Berlin also divided; Russia took everything from their side, metal, buildings, food, munitions, money

6 WW2 Peace Conferences Yalta and Potsdam Yalta (February, 1945)
Divide Germany into 4 zones Bring Nazi war criminals to trial Allow the freed nations of Europe to hold democratic elections (Declaration of Liberated Europe) Set up a commission to look into war reparations Russia would join the war in the Pacific and help the US

7 WW2 Peace Conferences Relations worsened in between the two conferences Roosevelt died, Truman did not have Roosevelt's natural charisma Stalin invited Poland's non-communist leaders for a visit and then arrested them America developed the atomic weapon (meaning they did not need Russia’s help in the Pacific anymore)

8 WW2 Peace Conferences Potsdam (July, 1945)
Agreements made in the first conference stuck War reparations- Russia was allowed to take whatever they wanted from their zone and 10% of all industrial equipment from the other zones. Wording- Text Excerpts Remember: Hiroshima was bombed August 6th so these agreements were made before the world knew the US had the bomb Hiroshima was bombed August 6th so these agreements were made before the world knew the US had the bomb

9 United Nations Founded 1945 to replace League of Nations
“There shall be established a Council composed of the Foreign Ministers of the United Kingdom, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, China, France, and the United States.” Founded 1945 to replace League of Nations Security Council Allies get permanent seats United States Great Britain Soviet Union France China

10 Divided Germany

11 Allied Occupation 1945 Germany split into four zones of occupation
Berlin (inside Soviet Zone) was also split into four zones. “Trizone”

12 East and West Germany 1949 Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) Established Trizone and W. Berlin Soviets establish a communist government in East Germany.

13 Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” Speech March 5, 1946 Westminster College Fulton, Missouri

14 Berlin Wall 1961 East Germans begin construction of the Berlin Wall
Separated East and West Berlin Encircled West Berlin Symbolic Significance

15 Berlin Wall Access to Trizone restricted Video Peter Fechter Shot 1962

16 The Marshall Plan European Recovery Program
Two Aims: Key to political stability was economic recovery Political stability would better fight communism Gen. George C. Marshall US Secretary of State

17 $13 Billion invested in 16 nations from 1947-1951
Included food, fuel, machinery, and investment in industry

18 Soviet Union viewed it as American interference
Prevented border states from participating Western Europe was remade in the American image, easier trading partner.

19 Return of the Alliance System

20 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Established 1949 Collective Defense Pact Western Europe North America Attack on any member nation treated as an attack on all member nations

21 “On Guard for Peace and Socialism”
Warsaw Pact Established 1955 Collective Defense Pact Soviet Union Eastern Europe Response to NATO “On Guard for Peace and Socialism”

22 Cold War Alliances

23 Weapons Technologies

24 M.A.D. Mutually Assured Destruction
1949 USSR tests its first nuclear weapon Arms Race Video Espionage Video (play to 3:03)

25 Hydrogen Bomb USA successfully exploded a test bomb in 1952
Russia successfully exploded a test bomb in 1953 China successfully exploded a test bomb in 1967

26 Bomb Delivery Systems USA- B52 Bomber: range 6,000 miles
Russia (1957)- Sputnik Satellite: Was not a weapon, but hinted at the possibility that it could become one. At the end of the 1950’s, American Intelligence estimated that 20 million Americans would die in a missile attack from Russia

27 Cruise Missiles 1950s Regulus and Matador

28 Nuclear Missiles SLBMs (Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles)
Polaris 1960s Poseidon 1970s Trident 1980s

29 Royal Navy Trident II Test

30 Nuclear Missiles ICBMs (Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles)
Minuteman III

31 ICBM Launch Pattern Note Multiple Warheads

32 NATO vs Warsaw Troops: Tanks: Artillery ICBM’s Planes
Nato: 2.6 million Warsaw: 4 million Tanks: NATO: 13,000 Warsaw: 42,500 Artillery NATO: 10,750 Warsaw: 31,500 ICBM’s US: 8,000 Russia: 7,000 Planes US: 4,000 Russia: 5,000 All together between all nations there were 1 million Hiroshima sized bombs by 1986

33 MAD Video

34 Who’s Winning??? 1957 Sputnik launched by USSR
First satellite to be placed into orbit PANIC IN US Emphasis on math and science education

35 Berlin Wall in 1986

36 Remarks at Brandenburg Gate

37 Failure of the Planned Economy
Soviet benefits: low rents, cheap staple food items, free health care/day care, very little unemployment Soviet Drawbacks Collectivization unproductive Command economy cannot produce enough consumer goods Long lines, few luxury items Central planning unaware of local problems Lifetime security = little worker motivation

38 Fall of Berlin Fall 1989 “Peaceful Revolution” Nationalist governments elected across Eastern Europe

39 Modern Society- The Welfare State
the idea that the government should take responsibility for the welfare of its people Otto Von Bismarck was the first to institute a welfare system in modern Europe Win the support of the working class Masses of unhappy down on their luck citizens become breeding grounds for revolution

40 Modern Society- The Welfare State
There was no welfare in the rest of Europe before 1900. Britain was the next country to institute welfare Boer War- British War ( ) citizens were not medically fit to fight. Threat to national defense Sickness- The industrial output of the nation was suffering Social Investigations- poverty was the cause of unemployment, poor health, poor productivity. Drinking and gambling were found to by symptoms not causes. Pressure from political parties that promised reforms to the working classes.

41 Planned Welfare State William Beveridge (1942)
There were 5 Giants that blocked progress: Want Disease Squalor Ignorance Idleness He came up with an “insurance” system to fight these: All workers, all employers and the state would pay in This would allow for free health care, old age pensions, sickness, and disability, child allowances



44 France Germany UK USA

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