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Sexually Transmitted Infections

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1 Sexually Transmitted Infections

2 Chlamydia Infects the urethra in men
Infects the urethra and the cervix in women Can spread to the reproductive organs in woman

3 Causes and Symptoms Caused by bacterial infection
Can spread from one partner to another during intercourse Pregnant woman can spread infection to the fetus during pregnancy Symptoms include painful urination, discharge from penis or vagina

4 Treatment and prevention
Includes antibiotics Share sexual history with partner. Abstinence Condoms

5 Gonorrhea Bacterial infection of the urethra in men and the urethra, cervix or both in woman Untreated for woman can cause pelvic inflammatory disease. (painful scarring and inflammation of the sex organs)‏ Untreated for men may cause bladder cancer

6 Causes and symptoms Spread through intercourse with infected partner with or without visible symptoms. Pregnant woman can pass infection to the fetus during delivery Symptoms include painful urination, itching, bleeding, abnormal discharge from penis or vagina.

7 Diagnosis and treatment
Diagnosis can only be made through lab samples from urine. Treatment includes antibiotics, can cure gonorrhea infections but only if taken properly. Many people who have gonorrhea also have clamydia

8 Prevention Abstinence Condoms Share sexual history with partner
Limit number of sex partners

9 Herpes Highly contagious infection spread through intercourse
Viral infection Herpes simplex-1- responsible for infection around mouth, cold sores Herpes simplex-2- responsible for infection around genitals

10 Herpes

11 Genital Herpes Can be spread by infected partner even if sores are not present 1 in every 5 people have genital herpes

12 Signs and symptoms Skin on or near the genitals becomes inflamed
Painful itching and burning in the area Blister like sores may be present Fever, headache, muscle aches may be present Painful urination

13 Outbreaks First outbreak can last several weeks
Symptoms seem to clear up as virus retreats to central nervous system Triggers- bring out symptoms. Stress Illness Vigorous sex Monthy period

14 Diagnosis and prevention
Doctor can diagnose with visual inspection of infected area Treatment includes pain killers and antiviral medications No known cure for herpes simplex Prevention- Share sexual history Abstinence Condoms Limit number of sex partners

15 Genital Warts (hpv)‏ Viral infection spread through intercourse
Can lead to cervical cancer in woman No known cure for hpv

16 Genital Warts (HPV)

17 Signs and symptoms Hpv presents itself as skin growths in the groin, and genital areas. White patches or bumpy, cauliflower-like Sometimes growths are not present Symptoms include pain, itching, and bleeding before developing visible warts.

18 Diagnosis and treatment
Doctor can diagnose through visual inspection of genital area No cure for HPV Treatment may include prescription medication to apply to the area. Lasers, surgery, of freezing visible warts are a treatment option.

19 Prevention Abstinence Condoms Share sexual history with partner
limit number of sex partners

20 Hepatitis B Definition- A virus that infects the liver.
Acute hepatitis B- Adults that get hepatitis for a short time and then get better. Chronic hepatitis B- virus causes a long-term infection can damage the liver. Babies and young children are more likely to be infected with chronic hep B

21 Causes of Hepatitis B Spread through contact with the blood and body fluids or an infected person. You may get it through unprotected sex with an infected person. Infected person may not show any signs or symptoms. Mother who is infected can pass it to the baby during delivery.

22 Symptoms of Hep B Fatigue Fever Vomiting Abdominal pain
Muscle and joint pain Skin rash Jaundice

23 Diagnosis and treatment
Diagnosis by a doctor through a simple blood test. Treatment includes a lot of rest, living a healthy lifestyle. Severe liver damage may require a transplant of that organ.

24 Hepatitis B Prevention
Hepatitis B vaccine Abstinence Condom Sharing sexual history Do not share needles Latex gloves when handling blood Do not share toothbrushes or razors

25 Syphilis Bacterial infection that enters the body through mucous membranes Person can be infected through intercourse or just close contact of infected persons mouth or genitals Can be treated with antibiotics if detected early. Prevention includes- Abstinence Condoms Sharing sexual history

26 Stages of syphilis Primary stage- painless sores develop wherever bacteria enter the body Secondary stage- skin rash 4 to 10 weeks after initial infection Latent stage- hidden stage where no symptoms are present. (congenital syphilis)‏ Tertiary stage- prolonged syphilis in body leads to heart disorders, mental disorders, blindness, death.

27 Scabies

28 Scabies Itchy condition caused by tiny mites that burrow into your skin Spread by close contact with someone who has scabies, intercourse, sharing towels, sharing bedsheets, and other personal belongings. Can be spread before symptoms are detected.

29 Scabies

30 Scabies symptoms Itching usually worse at night. Skin sores.
Can be diagnosed by a doctor. Treatment includes special creams or lotions, sometimes pills

31 Lice

32 Lice

33 Lice Tiny insects that live on humans and feed on blood
Head lice- found on the scalp Body lice- live in seems of clothing and are only on the body when they feed. Pubic lice- crabs, are usually found in the pubic area

34 Causes of lice infestation
Lice cannot jump- infestation can occur from sharing clothing or personal items. Also lice can be contracted through close personal contact. Symptoms are itching and may lead to skin infection Treatment includes over the counter lice medication, lotions, shampoos. And in some cases, hair removal.

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