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Cleaver: - used to cut through thick meats and bones Examples – cutting chicken, spare ribs Paring Knife: - knife with a short blade used to remove skin.

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Presentation on theme: "Cleaver: - used to cut through thick meats and bones Examples – cutting chicken, spare ribs Paring Knife: - knife with a short blade used to remove skin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cleaver: - used to cut through thick meats and bones Examples – cutting chicken, spare ribs Paring Knife: - knife with a short blade used to remove skin from fruits and vegetables Examples – cutting apple or carrot skins 1 Chef’s Knife - used for cutting, mincing and dicing food - long with a triangular base Examples – mincing onions

2 Utility Knife: - all-purpose knife used for cutting and slicing food Examples – cutting fat from steak, slicing cucumbers Vegetable Peeler: - used to remove the skin from fruits and vegetables Examples – peel carrot for salad, peel apple skin 2 Bread Knife: - serrated knife for slicing bread, baked goods and sandwiches without crushing them Examples – pumpkin bread, chocolate cake, ham sandwich

3 Measuring Spoons: - used to measure small amount of liquid or dry ingredients - most common sizes – ¼ tsp., ½ tsp., 1 tsp., 1 Tbsp. Examples – measuring salt & baking soda for sugar cookies Dry Measuring Cups: - used to measure dry ingredients - usually come in sets of ¼ c., 1/3 c., ½ c., 1 c. Examples – measuring flour for pancakes, measuring sugar for cookies 3

4 Liquid Measuring Cups: - used for measuring liquid ingredients - common sizes include 1 c., 2 c., 4 c. Examples – measuring oil for brownies, measuring milk for twice baked potatoes 4 Measuring (kitchen) Scale: - used to measure weight of an ingredient -Examples – 1 lb. of meat for sauce, 2 oz. of onions

5 Mixing bowls: - hold the ingredients you are mixing - can also be used in casual setting to serve food Examples – pasta salad, funnel cakes Wooden Spoon: - used to combine ingredients Examples – spaghetti sauce, cake mix 5

6 Rubber Scraper: Wire Whisk: - used to clean foods from pans and bowls - can be used to gently mix ingredients (fold) Examples – clean: cake mix, brownies mix: blueberry muffins - used for beating and blending ingredients (especially liquid) Examples – whip cream, beat egg whites 6 Sifter: - sift and mix dry ingredients together as they pass through a mesh screen Examples – flour (flour, baking powder and salt)

7 Rotary Beater: - used to blend ingredients - works like an electric mixer, but you provide the energy Examples – cake batter, pancake batter Pastry Blender: - used to cut shortening into flour - cuts shortening into tiny pieces that become coated with flour Examples – piecrusts, biscuits 7

8 Thermometer: - used to measure the temperature of food - different types: meat, candy, fat Examples – meats, chicken, pork Colander: Grater: - bowl with holes to drain liquid from foods Examples – drain pasta, wash fruits and veggies -Used to grate and shred cheeses and vegetables Examples – cheese for taco salad, carrot for salad 8

9 Pastry Brush: Potato Masher: - used to coat dough and other foods with butter or a sauce Examples – putting butter coating on bread, brushing sauce on ribs - used to crush soft foods (usually cooked) Examples – mashed potatoes, guacamole 9

10 Metal Spatula: - useful for leveling off ingredients or spreading frosting - can also be used to loosen cakes and breads from pans Examples – leveling flour in dry measuring cup, icing a cake Strainer: Tongs: - wire mesh basket with handles used to remove liquids from solid food Examples – steamed vegetables, clean rice - used to grasp foods so you can turn or lift it Examples – corncobs, funnel cakes, chicken 10

11 Turner (also called a spatula): - used to lift and turn foods - can be slotted or solid Examples – hamburgers, pancakes Baster: - used for moistening and flavoring food - also to remove liquids from pans Examples – turkey, collecting gravy from cooking pan 11 Rolling Pin: - used to flatten dough Examples – spritz cookies, empanadas

12 Cutting Board: - used as a base for your cutting needs Examples – vegetables, meats Slotted Spoon: Cooling Rack: - spoon with holes/slots in the bowl of the spoon used to lift solid foods from liquid Examples – lifting veggies from their cooking juices, soaking beans - allow air to circulate around hot baked products to cool them evenly Examples – cookies, cupcakes 12

13 Ladle: - deep spoon used to lift and serve foods from pans/pots and bowls Examples – chicken soup, punch, sauces Kitchen Fork: Pasta Spoon: - helps you turn or lift thick pieces of meat Examples – turn turkey over when baking, hold roast or turkey in place while carving - spoon with spokes used to pick-up and serve pasta Examples – pasta 13

14 Kitchen Shears: - sturdy scissors used to cut vegetables, pastry, poultry and meat Examples – remove skin from chicken, clip herbs, trim veggies 14

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