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One :the rise of Feminist socialism  (A) the Feminist socialism roots and the social background  Feminist socialism Thought is a product both related.

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Presentation on theme: "One :the rise of Feminist socialism  (A) the Feminist socialism roots and the social background  Feminist socialism Thought is a product both related."— Presentation transcript:

1 One :the rise of Feminist socialism  (A) the Feminist socialism roots and the social background  Feminist socialism Thought is a product both related with the feminist movement and the root of socialist thought which constitutes the social roots and historical background.  the exploitation and oppression Existing in a capitalist society are the rise of the social roots of feminism isocialism thought.  On the one hand, the existence of, the oppression man to women in capitalist society which has generated the feminist socialism thought

2 One :the rise of Feminist socialism  On the other hand, the existence of exploitation and oppression in the working class in capitalist society which has generated the socialist thought.  In a capitalist society, the oppressed and exploited people struggle for their own liberation, especially the feminist movement and the socialist movement, is the background of the socialist movement.

3 One :the rise of Feminist socialism  B) the source of feminist socialism thought  First,the thought about women's liberationin the socialism movement including the women's liberation theory in utopian socialism and Marxsim theory.  Second, the women's liberation thought in feminisim incudingLiberal Feminism, de Beauvoir's( 波伏娃 ) feminism, radical feminism.  Third, some ideas in the West Marxism thought. Horkheimer( 霍克海默 ), Adorno( 阿多诺 ), Marcuse( 马尔 库塞 ) and so on.

4 One :the rise of Feminist socialism  (C) the rise and development of socialist feminism.  The rise: 19 60s _ in the late 1970s and 1980s deepening.  two theory schools : socialist feminism and Marxist feminism.  \Marxist feminist: some women scholars believing in Marxism, expounded by feminist issues with Marxist view point.  the socialist feminist :Marxist feminist and learning from the radical feminist views on the theory of patriarchy( 父权制 ), committing to combine the two to explain the situation and the emancipation of women.

5 One :the rise of Feminist socialism  (D) the basic characteristics of socialist feminism.  First, the feminist socialist thought is the thought of women as the main body, with a clear gender bias.  Second, feminist socialism is not only a theory thought, or schools, but also a real women's movement.  Third, feminist thought reflects the socialist ideology and feminist thought, feminist movement and socialist movement in combination,with the duality.

6 Second, the basic ideas of feminist socialism  (A) the women in the modern capitalist society are still not out of the oppressed plight  First, women are still confined to the main activities within the family.  Second, women are in a subordinate position in the domestic sphere. Third, the women is still at a disadvantagein the labor market even if they are in the participation of work

7 Second, the basic ideas of feminist socialism  (B) the women‘s oppression is rooted in a combination of capitalism and patriarchy ( 父权制 )  First, the oppression source of the women is not physiological, but rather social.  Second, the oppression source of the women is not a single, but overall.

8 Second, the basic ideas of feminist socialism  Third, the importance reason of women's oppression is that their labor reproduction value are not recognized.  Fourth, women's oppression is rooted in a combination of capitalism and patriarchy.  Fifth, the impact of ideology is also anunignored reason that contributed to the wome oppression.

9 Second, the basic ideas of feminist socialism  (C) the women's liberation is the integrity liberation with the economic liberation  First, the economic liberation. Women should be liberated from exploitation to obtain economic independence.  Second, the political liberation. Political emancipation is not only the legal equality in political rights and the real implementation, but also in social and political fields, such as some areas outside the domestic sphere.

10 Second, the basic ideas of feminist socialism  Third, cultural liberation. The majority of women get away from the long-term bondage and domination of patriarchal ideology in their minds, to make them be aware of their power and strength to establish self- confidence, self-esteem, self-consciousness.  Fourth, the way of women's access to economic independence. Women being into the labor market, wages of housework, socialization of housework.

11 Second, the basic ideas of feminist socialism  (D) the various forms of struggle against capitalism and the patriarchy  First,having one _ one fight against the patriarchy within the family. Second, to carry out an organized struggle against capitalism outside the home.  Economic struggle: the fight for economic equality; political struggle: the fight for radical social reform and the activities of the revolutionary ideas; cultural struggle: the ideology of critique capitalist and patriarchal( 父权 制 ).

12 Third, the Analysis of feminist socialism Trend  (A) the social nature and the real role of feminism socialism  Expanding the influence of Marxism ;  revealing 、 denouncing( 抨击 ), and being against capitalism,  Defending women's rights, promoting women's liberation, combinating women's liberation with the socialist future

13 Third, the Analysis of feminist socialism Trend  (B) the feminist socialism theory achievements and limitations  First, using Marxism to analyize women's issues, the active exploration providing us with a useful inspiration.  Secondly, the problem.  the unscientific nature of Treatment with Marxism.

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