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Introduction to Variety and Harmony By Mrs. Dial.

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1 Introduction to Variety and Harmony By Mrs. Dial

2 Variety Variety is used to make a drawing or painting more interesting. We use variety to catch the viewers attention. Different elements are used, like line, shapes, and colors are placed next to each other in a work of art. They are in contrast to each other giving the picture a lively quality.

3 Variety Variety of Lines Variety in Shapes Variety in Colors

4 Variety How did the student use variety to make the work more interesting?

5 Variety Now compare each of these paintings Compare the types of lines, colors and shapes used by both artists. What did both artists do to add interest to their work of art? Describe the different objects you see in each picture. How are they arranged? Click here to learn more about Janet Fishhere Click here to learn more about Romare Beardenhere

6 Practice Think of a common household object, such as a tube of toothpaste, a box of tissue, a plate, or a spoon. Use colored markers or pencils to draw the object. Add variety or contrast to your select object by using contrasting line shapes or colors. Now decide: Do you think your new design is more interesting than the original design? Did you create variety or contrast?

7 Harmony Harmony is the principle of design that is concerned with similarities of separate but not related parts. It is used in artwork to create a feeling of unity Lines, shapes, colors, and texture are usually repeated in the picture.

8 Harmony Shapes create harmony when related shapes of various sizes are repeated. Color creates harmony when a work is limited to only cool or warm colors Line creates harmony by limiting lines to either straight or curved lines.

9 Now compare each of these paintings Do you see any lines shapes or colors repeated in either mural? Is there any one area in either mural that seems to stand out? If so, what area is it? How would you describe the use of color in both works? Do you think these artists took a long time to plan these murals? Why or why not? Harmony Click here to learn more about John Biggershere Click here to learn more about Diego Riverahere

10 Harmony How does this student artist create harmony in this assemblage?

11 Practice Divide the class into 3 sections. –The first group is to use warm colors and draw only triangles and rectangles. –The second group is to use cool colors and can draw any shapes they would like. –The third group can use any colors but can only draw squares. Have each group come up to the front of the class and show their artwork. Compare as a class and decide how each of the groups pictures may be considered to be harmonious.

12 All Together Now Artists sometime use variety and harmony to create unity in a work of art. Do you feel that this artist has used many shapes, and lines in his artwork? Has he used one set of colors to make his painting? What is the artist doing here? Do you see a shape that is being repeated more than once in this picture? What element of this painting gives you a feeling of oneness and wholeness? By: John Biggers

13 THE END This PowerPoint has been created using SRA Art Connections Level5 Teacher Edition

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