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Presentation on theme: "ART PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN."— Presentation transcript:


2 PRINCIPLES OF ART Principles are guidelines used to help artists organize the art elements to create works of art Principles include: Balance Variety Harmony Emphasis Proportion Movement Rhythm Unity Transition

3 BALANCE A principle of art concerned with arranging art elements so no one part of a work overpowers or seems heavier than any other part There are three kinds of balance in artwork Formal balance- also known as symmetrical balance where the two halves are mirror images Informal balance- known as asymmetrical balance where two unlike elements seem to carry equal weight Radial balance- occurs when elements or objects are positioned around a central point and radiates from the center

4 BALANCE-continued Visual Weight- creates a visual sense of equal weight by using size, brightness, hues, textures, shapes, light and dark hues. Psychological Weight- refers to the importance of the person or objects within the artwork

5 VARIETY Concerned with combining one or more elements to create interest by adding slight changes Heightens the visual appeal of the work Too little variety and work is boring, too much creates chaos

6 VARIETY-Continued Types of variety include: Shapes value sizes

7 HARMONY A principle concerned with blending elements to create a more calm, restful appearance

8 EMPHASIS Makes an element of an artwork stand out
Attracts viewer’s attention to an important part Can be created by contrast or extreme changes in an element

9 PROPORTION Principle concerned with the relationship of one part to another and to the whole Can be size, color, etc.

10 MOVEMENT Used to create the look and feeling of action and to guide a viewer’s eye throughout the work of art

11 RHYTHM Principle concerned with repeating an element to make a work seem active or to suggest vibration Can create rhythm by repeating elements but also the same object over and over to form a pattern

12 UNITY Is the arrangement of elements and principles with media to create a feeling of supporting each other and of completeness Ways to unify a work of art: Grouping Objects – fewer forms/shapes to see Vs.

13 UNITY - continued Similar use of elements – objects or aspects within a work of art can be unified by using similarities of color, shape, form, etc. Continuity – using an element or series of elements that continue relatively uninterrupted through much of the artwork Dominant Feature – Use of a dominate feature

14 TRANSITION A series of gradual step by step changes of an element
Some types of transitions: Color Transitions – blended gradations between different hues Large to Small – often used to establish the illusion of depth

15 TRANSITION- continued
Dark to Light – also used to create a sense of depth or set a particular mood Rough to Smooth – creates variation in a textured area


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