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After World War I, Europe was filled with unstable new democracies (remember, Austria-Hungary was broken up, and some of the German Empire was used to.

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Presentation on theme: "After World War I, Europe was filled with unstable new democracies (remember, Austria-Hungary was broken up, and some of the German Empire was used to."— Presentation transcript:


2 After World War I, Europe was filled with unstable new democracies (remember, Austria-Hungary was broken up, and some of the German Empire was used to form new countries) The former republic in Germany was blamed for their loss in WWI, people want a change Germany was admitted into the League of Nations in 1928


4 The problems continue in Germany… Remember the War Guilt Clause? Said Germany had to pay 33 billion dollars to the allies Germany was having a hard time rebuilding their country, taking care of their people, and paying their reparations to the rest of the world Inflation hit Germany hard…The Deutschmark (their dollar) becomes worthless.

5 Kite made from Deutschmarks Wallpaper Deutschmarks

6 What leads to all the problems in the world? The overuse of credit throughout the world This is especially true in the United States

7 The US Stock Market crashed in 1929, and takes the rest of the world with it. Many countries relied on the US and their products When their stock market crashed other countries could not get US goods anymore.



10 In the industrialized countries of Europe, there was high unemployment When people don’t have jobs, they want to take their money out of the bank This rush on banks caused them to fail and collapse as well. Many people would never get their money back

11 Many people expected their government to help them recover Unfortunately, the governments didn’t have any money either! World trade collapsed, nearly everyone's economies were collapsing

12 Many of the hard hit countries would turn to totalitarian governments to save them Germany, Italy, Soviet Union, and Japan Some of which would be Fascist Fascism: A new, militant political movement that emphasized loyalty to the state and obedience to its leader.

13 The rise of Hitler Hitler was the leader of a right-winged political party called the Nazis. They planned a coup that failed, Hitler would be imprisoned for five years for his actions in 1923 While in prison, Hitler wrote the book Mein Kampf. In which he outlined his plans to take over the world He didn’t JUST blame the Jews for the problems Germany had He and the Nazis also blamed Germany’s democratic government, and all left-winged politicians

14 Hitler is released from jail after just 9 months In 1933 Hitler would run for president of Germany, he would lose The winner would appoint him as his Chancellor in hopes that he could be controlled This act led directly to the rise of Hitler in Germany Hitler assumes the title Der Führer (or leader) on August 2, 1934


16 Much like Hitler, Mussolini came to power legally. Mussolini was underestimated and assumed power through a coup (overthrow of the government) Mussolini wanted to create a unifying political force in Italy Mussolini would embrace Nationalism and Unify the people of Italy Mussolini and his followers marched on Rome in October 1922 and forced the prime minister to resign, and eventually the King would fall to Mussolini's new government on Takes the title Il Duce (or leader) in 1925 when the fascist state was officially proclaimed

17 After the death of Lenin on January 21, 1924, Stalin takes control of Russia Under Stalin, the Soviet Union went from a peasant society to a world power Stalin is much more brutal than Lenin and will commit atrocities in his own country to his own people Viewing of Lenin’s body

18 Stalin ruled by terror, and used his totalitarian grip to eliminate anyone who questioned or opposed him He used his secret police and used citizens to spy on each other He also instituted the Great Purge The Great Purge was when Stalin rid the Communist Party and military of anyone he considered a threat

19 When the depression hits Japan, Militarists take control Emperor Hirohito maintains the “power” that he has because of nationalism in the country The people of Japan want to keep their traditions, but the Military really runs the show Hideki Tojo (Military leader) sees the need to expand Japans empire Why? They need resources, Japan is an island and doesn’t have many natural resources

20 Tojo leads his military to invade Manchuria (northeastern China) in 1931 as a start He would later lead his military to invade China in 1937 Many atrocities would occur during the occupation of china Including the Rape of Nanking Left 300,000 Chinese dead and lasted 6 weeks

21 Both Italy and Germany are looking to restore the former glory of their countries Mussolini wants to restore Rome Hitler wants to create the Third Reich (First Reich = HRE, Second Reich = Weimar Republic {Germany unified under Kaiser Wilhelm by Otto Von Bismarck})

22 Mussolini attacks Ethiopia and invades There is a governing body that is supposed to prevent this League of Nations They do NOTHING! Hitler sees that Mussolini gets away with invading Ethiopia and moves to expand his empire as well

23 First Hitler needs to build up his military Treaty of Versailles kept Germany from having a standing army and Air Force, remember? League of Nations are supposed to stop him…again, they do NOTHING Hitler moves his army to the French boarder ready to attack

24 The League of Nations again does nothing and starts to practice appeasement Appeasement is giving into the aggressor to avoid war The US is practicing isolation and wants to remain uninvolved in European affairs (they are still dealing with the Great Depression)

25 Since no one has stopped Hitler yet, he decides to annex Austria and Czechoslovakia Austria becomes part of Germany in 1939, many did not have an objection to becoming part of Germany Czechoslovakia does They ask GB and France for help Again, appeasement is chosen and a “peace treaty” is signed with Hitler

26 In order to protect their new empires, Italy, Germany, and Japan sign an alliance with each other They become the Axis Powers Germany also wants to protect itself in Europe and signs the Non- Aggression Pact with Stalin in Russia Saying that neither would invade the other in the future, but it’s not an alliance!

27 1. How did the Great Depression spread to Europe? 2. What is Fascism? What leaders use this in their countries? 3. How did Stalin and Hitler come to power? 4. Did the League of Nations do their job? 5. How did Italy and Germany gain so much power? 6. How did the Axis powers form?

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