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Key Term to Understand:

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1 Key Term to Understand:
Fascist Extreme militarism + Extreme nationalism Question: What is militarism and what is nationalism?

2 Adolf Hitler Fascist Totalitarian Dictator
His Political Party What led Hitler to power (1933) His book Nearby countries he took over How he started WWII

3 BACK Nazis—Nationalist Socialist Party
Great Depression, hatred for Treaty of Versailles, anti-Semitism Mein Kampf (“My Struggle”) Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland Invasion of Poland (1939)

4 Reflection Why would Germans be willing to turn to a leader that was extremely militaristic and extremely nationalistic?

5 Joseph Stalin Fascist Totalitarian Dictator—U.S.S.R.
His Goal Five Year Plans Collectivization Secret Police Great Purge Who he makes deal with

6 BACK Make USSR a world power Plans for industrializing USSR
Peasants “collected” on government run farms (no private property) “KGB”—spies on citizens Stalin executes anyone who might oppose him (genocide) Hitler—agree not to attack each other

7 Reflection Why would the Soviets be willing to turn to a leader that was extremely militaristic and extremely nationalistic?

8 Benito Mussolini Fascist Totalitarian Dictator
His political party Led Mussolini to power? (1922) Goal for Italy Invasion League of Nations?

9 BACK Fascist Party Hatred for Treaty of Versailles, Depression in Italy Restore glory of Roman Empire (North Africa and Balkans) Ethiopia (1935) to increase empire Did nothing to stop him

10 Reflection Why would Italians be willing to turn to a leader that was extremely militaristic and extremely nationalistic?

11 General Tojo Fascist Totalitarian Dictator -- Japan
Japanese Emperor Real Leader Major Goal Policies Needs Invasion Opposed by

12 BACK Hirohito (weak) General Hideki Tojo Rule all of Asia
Industrialization and militarism Raw materials (oil) Korea (1905), Manchuria, and China (1937) US cuts off the oil supply (when Japan invades rest of China, President Roosevelt cuts off oil to Japan.)

13 Reflection Why would the Japanese be willing to turn to a leader that was extremely militaristic and extremely nationalistic?

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