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Dictators Threaten World Peace

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1 Dictators Threaten World Peace
Nationalism Grips Europe & Asia

2 Nationalism Post WWI world had brought depression and struggle around the world. Powerful dictators who used nationalism (loyalty to one’s country above all) and strove for territorial expansion.

3 Failures of WWI The Treaty of Versailles was meant for a “just and secure peace” but caused anger and resentment. The Weimar Republic in Germany was blamed for their economic problems. President Wilson had hoped for a world “safe for democracy”. New democracies around the world struggled.

4 Stalin & the Soviet Union
Civil War broke out in Russia post WWI. A communist state replaced the Czars. After its found Vladimir Lenin died Joseph Stalin took power. He aimed for a pure communist state.

5 Stalin He wanted to turn the Soviet Union into a industrial power.
Stalin created a secret police and purged all he considered an enemy. In 1939, Stalin had created a totalitarian state one that has complete control over society.

6 Fascism in Italy Benito Mussolini was establishing a totalitarian regime in Italy. Mussolini new how to speak about nationalism. He established a fascist party, one that stresses nationalism above individual needs.

7 Mussolini In 1922, he marched on Rome with thousands of his followers known as “black shirts”. He called himself Il Duce or “the leader”. He did this by creating a totalitarian and using fear.

8 Nazis in Germany After WWI Adolph Hitler joined the National Socialist German Worker’s Party better known as the Nazi Party. He named himself Der Fuhrer “the leader” and promised to bring German out of chaos. In prison, he wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggle) he outlined his plans for restoring Germany.

9 Hitler He also wanted to enforce racial “purification” at home.
He considered Aryans a “master race”. The Great Depression helped the Nazis come to power. War debts and unemployment made the German people desperate for strong leadership.

10 Military gains control in Japan
The military in Japan believed in more living space and nationalism as a driving force. They would invade Manchuria China and then seek more territorial gains.

11 Civil War in Spain Spanish Army officers led by General Francisco Franco rebelled against the Spanish Republic. Franco’s fascist forces would receive aid from Hitler and & Mussolini. With the aid Franco seized control and created a fascist state.

12 U.S. Responds Though Americans were concerned with events around the world they wanted to remain isolationist. Congress even passed Neutrality Acts or laws forbidding the selling of weapons abroad.

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