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Viveka von Rosen Founder,Linked Into Business LinkedIn’s New Innovations and How to Use Them Effectively LinkedInnovations.

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Presentation on theme: "Viveka von Rosen Founder,Linked Into Business LinkedIn’s New Innovations and How to Use Them Effectively LinkedInnovations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Viveka von Rosen Founder,Linked Into Business LinkedIn’s New Innovations and How to Use Them Effectively LinkedInnovations

2 For the Most Important Thing #Cimpa2015 @LinkedInexpert Sunshine2015 @LinkedInExpert

3 Viveka von Rosen Founder of Founder of the #LinkedInChat Author of “LinkedIn Marketing: Hour a Day” Contributor to The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn Forbes Top 50 @LinkedInExpert



6 6

7  Almost 400 million members  Cayman Islands have a population of 58K  27K are on LinkedIn!  Almost ½ the Cayman’s residents!

8 LinkedIn is the number one social network for driving traffic to corporate websites #1 The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn

9 91% distribute content 91% of Marketers use LinkedIn to distribute content @LinkedInExpert

10 93% generate leads 93% of Marketers rate LinkedIn as effective for generating leads @LinkedInExpert

11 LinkedIn drives more traffic to B2B blogs and sites than Twitter, Facebook and G+ combined “ ” The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn @LinkedInExpert

12 65% acquire leads  LinkedIn members are 50% more likely to engage with a Company they engage with on LinkedIn  65% of companies acquired B2B leads through LinkedIn @LinkedInExpert

13 Best Uses for Company and Showcase Pages LinkedIn members are 50% more likely to engage with a Company they engage with on LinkedIn first f Marketers rate LinkedIn as effective for generating leads 50% of companies acquired B2B leads through LinkedIn 65%

14 6% acquir e leads Innovative Ways to use your Company Page LinkedIn New Hero Image Innovative Ways to use your Summary LinkedIn’s New Publisher App LinkedIn’s New Messenger Box Innovative ways to use LinkedIn’s CRM @LinkedInExpert

15 How many of you can directly attribute a “sale” to your presence on LinkedIn? 15

16 646 x 220 Pixels 2000 character description CTAs Keywords (Specialties) Website link CONTENT

17 This is a slide that can be used for large images If your image takes up the entire slide (blocking out the header) please ensure it fits within the slide borders 17

18  1400 x 425  Use outer edges  Contact Info  CTA or USP  Have employees upload too 18

19 2000 Characters Create in a Word Doc Use bullets Add links and contact info Focus on the WIIFT Create a template

20 20

21 21 @LinkedInExpert


23 Click on Publish a Post Write Post Save Publish Respond @LinkedInExpert

24 24

25 LinkedIn’s new “Chat Feature” More responsive interaction Add Images Upload Files Add Emojis Lose Group Private Messaging Check out LinMailPro at @LinkedInExpert

26 Best Uses for LinkedIn’s Contacts CRM  Save and Invite  Notes  Reminders  Tagging

27 Save and Customize the Invitation! @LinkedInExpert

28 Existing Contacts (unless Premium) @LinkedInExpert

29 In Profile or InBox @LinkedInExpert

30 Segment Contacts by Tags Up to 200 Tags Multiple Tags Private @LinkedInExpert#AIMSLinkedIn

31  Who is your target market?  How will you connect to them?  How will you engage them?  How will you be perceived?  What are three steps you’ll take within the next 24 hours? 31 @LinkedInExpert

32 “All humans are entrepreneurs not because they should start companies but because the will to create is encoded in human DNA. Reid Hoffman, LinkedIn co-founder @LinkedInExpert

33 @LinkedInExpert

34 34  eBook  Consultation  Referral Skype: Linked.into.Business Take out your business card Or invite me to connect and…

35 @LinkedInExpert Thanks!

36 36

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