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LinkedIn Made Easy 7 Steps to a Dynamic LinkedIn Experience.

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Presentation on theme: "LinkedIn Made Easy 7 Steps to a Dynamic LinkedIn Experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 LinkedIn Made Easy 7 Steps to a Dynamic LinkedIn Experience

2 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy 2

3 3

4 Poll How Proficient are you on LinkedIn?:  What’s LinkedIn?  I don’t have a profile.  I have a profile but not sure what to do with it.  I’ve been using LinkedIn for a long time – but not making money with it yet.  I’d consider myself very proficient 4

5 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy Are My Prospects Even On LinkedIn? 5

6 One out of every three professionals on the planet is on LinkedIn - making LinkedIn is the more effective social network for delivering B2B content. According to LinkedIn’s eBook “The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn” B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy

7  More than 300 million members in the world  100+ Million members in the US 7

8 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy 8

9 LinkedIn Users Average Years of Experience – 15 yrs. Average Age – 41 yrs. 49% are “Decision- makers” 106K Income 9

10 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy 10 Do you know exactly who your audience is? (You can have more than one – but make sure they are defined) –Who are they? –What gender? –What age? –What race? –What economic classification / income bracket? –What do they like? –How do they spend their free time? –What is their Point of Pain?

11 of Marketers rate LinkedIn as effective for generating leads 93%

12 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy Poll How many of you can directly attribute a “sale” to your presence on LinkedIn? 12

13 Thanks to your work with us I have gone from about 20 to 80+ views a week, received 5 hot leads this week and had someone email me today about purchasing a crane. “ ” Elena Petrunina – BSL Group

14 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy  LinkedIn - A Better Way To Get Found  Don't Just Say It – Prove It  Skipping the Connection Hoops  Letting LinkedIn Do The Work For You  Keep Track And Keep In Touch  Get Published And Get Publicity  Showcase Your Company …… But wait – there’s more!

15 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy “A prospect is someone in a company, business, industry or organization who you find (or attract) that has a need for your product or service, is aware of that need, and has the desire and ability to purchase it. ”

16 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy 16

17 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy Bad Profile or No Profile? 17

18 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy Create a Unified Brand 18

19 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy New Profile Banner for Premium Accounts 19

20 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy Use a Template 20

21 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy Like Google, your profile must be optimized if you want to be found Check member’s profiles for their keywords and skills 21

22 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy New Keyword Search for Premium Accounts 22

23 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy Are you Findable? 23 My keywords – My Industry Job Title Offers Services Ideal Client Competition  Optimize Your Header  Optimize Your Content  Optimize Your Interests

24 Who’s Viewed Your Profile

25 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy  LinkedIn Personal Profile URL  Websites Customize You URLs

26 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy Media Endorsement Mashable

27 Examples of Your Work TV / YouTube Interviews Podcasts Slideshare Presentations Screenshots of Print/PR Images of Degrees Pics with you & Influencers Media

28 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy Really Famous…??? 28

29 Claim your Skillset Don’t turn off notifications Endorse others Thank Endorsers Use to Engage Endorsements

30 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy Do (At Least)These 3 Things! Make a List Of Keywords Create an Awesome Headline Add Media to Your Profile 30

31 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy Poll How Many Connections Do You have?  Less than 100  100 - 500  500 - 1000  1000 - 5000  5000+ 31

32 You are only as visible – and LinkedIn is only as usable – as the size of your network. “ ” This tweet-worthy quote has been brought to you by @LinkedInExpert

33 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy People You May Know Introductions

34 Click on SEE MORE People You May Know

35 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy Poll Have You Ever Used LinkedIn’s Introduction Feature?  Never  Only once in awhile  All the time! 35

36 Message Introducer first When granted permission, use Get Introduced tool Be polite and give them an out… Introductions

37 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy  Saved Searches  Similar People

38 Create an Advanced or Boolean Search Save Search Let LinkedIn send you LEADS Saved Searches

39 Companies You’ve Viewed People You’ve Viewed Similar People

40 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy Do (At Least)These 3 Things! Connect to some “People You May Know” Get Introduced to a Prospect Create and Save a Search 40

41 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy Best Uses for LinkedIn’s Contacts CRM  Notes  Reminders  Tagging  Messaging Campaigns

42 Existing Contacts (unless Premium) Take Notes

43 In Profile or InBox Set Reminders

44 Segment your Contacts by Tags Up to 200 Tags Can use multiple Tags Private Tag Your Network

45 Do You Have a Company Page? 45

46 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy LinkedIn members are 50% more likely to engage with a Company they engage with on LinkedIn first f Marketers rate LinkedIn as effective for generating leads 50% of companies acquired B2B leads through LinkedIn 65%

47 @LinkedInExpert LinkedIn is the number one social network for driving traffic to corporate websites “ ”

48 646 x 220 Pixels 2000 character description CTAs Keywords (Specialties) Website link CONTENT Company Pages

49 974 x 330 Pixels 200 Character Description Content Get your URLs NOW Showcase Pages

50 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy Do (At Least)These 3 Things! Try our Contacts (notes and reminders) Apply for Publisher Create a Company Page 50

51 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy  Checklists  Scheduling  Delegation

52 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy Third Party Tools I Use All the Time:  Oktopost  Nimble  eGrabber Account Researcher

53 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy 53

54 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy Sure there’s the ROI of LinkedIn But what’s the COI??? Loss of Income Loss of Prospects Loss of Credibility Blacklisted on LinkedIn Lose Your Profile Or 54 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy


56 Stage One Increase your Visibility: Your LinkedIn Profile is Your Launchpad. Make sure that you’ve got an optimized and effective personal profile. In this first training series, you’ll learn how to create a more professional and search-friendly LinkedIn profile. From this foundation, you can help launch your career upward while helping to lift your business ahead of its competition. And you can add some pretty special features that those other earth dwellers just don’t know about! 56 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy

57 Stage Two Increase Engagement: Stage 2 training is all about getting the fuel you need to reach make the most of your LinkedIn experience while advancing your professional development and reaching your business objectives. That fuel is Connections! This training will cover all the best practices and steps you need in order to make sure that you’re rocket is fueled with a growing network of relevant and mutually beneficial business connections. 57 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy

58 Stage Three Increase Leads and Connections: Stage 3 training will talk about those special strategies you need to drive business success. You will be guided through all of LinkedIn’s features and tools you can use along with strategies and best practices for increasing your B2B marketing leads and growing your business. Even the best astronaut shouldn’t do it alone – so we have two more trainings for you. 58 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy

59 Stage Four Increase Company Page Performance: Learn the latest on how to create a a better B2B Branded Company page to attract the business following you need. Optimize your content, engage your employees, clients and prospects and create dynamic links to your company website. Make sure that your light shines brighter than the other stars out there. 59 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy

60 Stage Five Learn the Ins and Outs of LinkedIn Groups: Stage 5 training will show you all about LinkedIn Groups. From finding the best groups to join to making the most of your membership, learn how to groups can be a more dynamic part of your LinkedIn experience. Also gain insights on launching a LinkedIn Group that will help you grow your following and your business! 60 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy

61 But wait….. The Platinum Version also contains 1 live Group Q&A webinar session with me each month for one year. In addition to the above, the Platinum Version provides you with free access to future LinkedIn webinar presentations offered by me and my friends You will get to test and be qualified for a LinkedIn Certification through Certspring Once certified you will get to join an exclusive group of other LinkedIn Certified Students to build relationships and your business. 61 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy

62 Results Increased business: “Thanks to your work with us I have gone from about 20 to 80+ views a week, received 5 hot leads this week and had someone email me today about purchasing a crane.” - Elena “I got a job!” – Maria “Thank you so much. I followed the steps in Stage 1 and 2 and just landed my biggest client to date. And I’m not even through the course!” Tracy 62 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy

63 Testimonials Mari Smith Viveka is an exceptionally knowledgeable LinkedIn and social media trainer. I've had the great pleasure of featuring Viveka several times in my various classes and she always delivers. Not only does she have tremendous expertise on LinkedIn in particular, her teaching style is extremely effective. She has the ability to chunk down and sequence everything you need to know to really optimize and succeed using LinkedIn. She will help you get measurable results, no question! Two thumbs way up. :) 63 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy

64 Testimonials Bob Burg Viveka…provides all the information needed to make LinkedIn a valued and highly-profitable part of one’s business... Follow Viveka’s sage teachings and watch the quality of your connections, and your income take a sharp turn upwards! 64 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy

65 Testimonials Denise Wakeman When it comes to using LinkedIn, there are only a handful of people who are truly experts and Viveka von Rosen is a the top of the list. Not only is Viveka extremely smart, she knows how to teach and write about using LinkedIn so it's easy to understand and more importantly, easy to implement her tips and tactics so you get the results you want. Viveka is my go-to gal when I need to learn the latest about how to use LinkedIn to boost my visibility and my business. 65 B2B LinkedIn Launchpad Training Series: LinkedIn Made Easy


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