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2009-10 ACS-HS Coordinator Training Updated on October 28, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "2009-10 ACS-HS Coordinator Training Updated on October 28, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 2009-10 ACS-HS Coordinator Training Updated on October 28, 2009

2 Agenda  ACS-HS test coordination logistics  ELDA updates  Questions

3 Outcomes For ACS-HS Test Coordinator 2009-2010 Training Each Test Coordinator will understand the logistics of ACS and ELDA test administration & responsibilities

4 Intent of ACS & ELDA  Measure student performance on the assessed standards/skills  Enable teachers & administrators to target students for appropriate instructional interventions  Provides overall ACS results in a manner similar to CST results  Provides ELDA results similar to CELDT results  Allow teacher self-study of standards/objectives taught  Provides a standardized measure across schools

5 ACS & ELDA Features  The assessments are aligned to the California State Standards /California English Language Development Standards  The tests are NOT timed. Students should be able to complete the test in a 60 minute class period. Extra time may be given for students continuing to make progress toward test completion after the end of the class period.  Test booklets are re-usable. Scanners are provided. No writing in test booklets

6 ACS Subjects Assessed  ELA  ELA 9  ELA 10  ELA 11 (Revised!)  Math  Algebra 1 (HS & MS)  Geometry (HS & MS)  Science  Earth Science  Biology  Chemistry  Social Science  Modern World History  U. S. History 10 Subjects in all x 3 Quarters = 30 Tests

7 ELDA Subjects Assessed  ELD Beginning  ELD Intermediate  ELD Early Advanced  Visions curriculum 3 ELD levels in all x 3 Quarters = 9 Tests

8 English Learners & ELDA  Students in ELD Beginning will take ELDA Beginning...  Students in ELD Intermediate will take ELDA Intermediate...  Students in ELD Early Advanced will take ELDA Early Advanced  ELDA test participation will be based on enrollment in ELD courses (district ELD course codes)

9 Assessment Timeline  Assessed 3x a year after end of first 3 quarters  Algebra Pilots test windows  Based on district course codes/enrollment

10 ACS-HS Coordinator Responsibilities: Part I Ensure availability and security of all test materials Test booklets: Student & Teacher Ed. Booklets Rosters & Inventory Sheets Answer sheets Administration guides Pencils

11 ACS-HS Coordinator Responsibilities: Part II Teacher preparation for test administration Inform teachers of test window and dates Check materials Sheets delivered week before test window Request for additional materials: Distribute materials Roster and Teacher Inventory Distribution log

12 ACS & ELDA Materials Request Pages

13 ACS-HS Coordinator Responsibilities: Part III Collect materials at end of test window Return materials no later than 8 business days after window ends In person District mail

14 Test Material Delivery  Materials are delivered during the week before each subject test window.  Open the boxes in numerical order to check the contents.  Test materials include:  Test Coordinator Package  Classroom Packages

15 Test Coordinators Package  Inventory Sheet  Box Labels for Returning Materials  Copies of Class Rosters  Blank Answer Sheets (Scanners)  Extra Administration Guidelines

16 Teacher Inventory Sheet

17 Distribution and Return Log Teacher A Teacher B Teacher C The most number of students that Teacher A has at any given time is 34. Teacher A will get 34. For booklet counts, fill out this line only for Teacher A Fill the answer sheet return lines for all periods Document that teacher A was given 34 booklets. This is what Teacher A should return at end of window

18 Classroom Packages  Inventory  Class Roster  Administration Guide  Pre-identified answer sheets (Scanners)  Several Blank Answer Sheets

19 When a Student does not have an Answer Sheet… or their original gets messed up  Hand-bubble an answer sheet for students not listed on the rosters that enrolled at your school  Hand-bubble a new answer sheet and destroy the pre-printed answer sheet for students that need to have their pre- printed answer sheet changed.

20 Hand-bubbled answer sheets  Hand-bubbled sheets must be filled out completely (student and test information)  Please make sure that students bubble in their date of birth and not the day they took the test (common mistake)

21 Test Administration Procedures  Put a Do Not Disturb sign on the door.  Encourage students to perform as well as they can.  Make sure that each student has a #2 pencil.  Give each student his/her pre-printed (or hand-bubbled) answer sheet.  Give each student the appropriate test booklet.  Hand Bubble answer sheets for students not on roster or to make changes

22 Supervision During Testing Be alert to the following:  Students who do not have their correct answer sheet.  Check that students are making uniform dark marks and are erasing completely.  Have students erase any stray marks on answer sheets.  Redirect students who are marking answers next to the wrong response number.  Please do not let students make any marks on test booklets.  We want an accurate assessment, so watch for students who appear to be looking elsewhere for answers whether it's to other desks, their lap, cell phones, etc.  Students with unapproved materials on their desks (materials approved in IEPs or 504 plans are ok)

23 ACS - Accommodations  Students in special education programs with Individualized Education Plans (IEP) and students with current plans under Section 504 may be allowed accommodations IF they are specified in the plans.  Large print  Braille  Use of Reader  Ann Leedy, Hoover Braille Library 451-4038  Testing variations/accommodations may be made for EL students and may include extended time to take the test with a bilingual proctor (who may read the instructions and answer procedural questions), and testing in a small group setting.

24 Testing Material Return Scorable Materials Include all answer sheets Separate the answer sheets by subject AND test (For example: Chemistry and Earth Science) Separate the answer sheets into hand-bubbled and pre-identified Make hand bubbled go on top. Please verify that all the hand-bubbled answer sheets are marked completely Include answer sheets for students who were absent. Enclose class roster with hand entered student names and ID

25 ACS - Scoring & Reporting  REA will score and post results.  For 24 hr. turnaround services: Bring in scanners before 2:00 p.m. Call or email Carlos Ramirez (73852), Jim Bertram (73987), or Shaeng Vue (73829) letting them know that you will be bringing in scanners Local Assessment Headquarters (73841)  Score and reporting of student performance on tested standards will be available within a few days after each testing period is completed.  Teachers will be able to access their class report using AiS (Assessment Information System). AiS will provide results for each student tested in the class.

26 ACS-HS Recommendations  Inform teachers of testing dates/windows. You can provide them with a copy of the 09-10 testing calendar or direct them to  Make sure that your school has a supply of pencils for ACS- testing  Make sure your testing materials are in a secure place  Keep an inventory of ACS-HS test booklets including teacher editions (template provided)  Check your test materials as soon as you receive them  Use the materials request page on the REA website for additional answer sheets or test booklets:  Provide Chemistry teachers with copies of the Periodic Table of the Elements for students to use on the Q1 ACS Chemistry test.

27 ACS-HS Recommendations, continued  Ask office personnel to notify you upon delivery of any ACS test materials  Ask teachers to read Administration Guidelines thoroughly before administering tests.  Remind teachers of test window end dates  Remind teachers (if necessary) that test participation is not optional  Collect all answer sheets from teachers by the last day of the test window  Collect all test booklets from teachers by the last day of the test window  Check non-pre-id answer sheets before returning them to REA  Return ACS-HS answer sheets in person or through the district mail no later than 8 business days after the end of the test window.

28 Important things to know...  ACS and ELDA testing is not optional  Test materials need to be secured  Teachers/schools must honor the test windows  Testing should not be occurring before or after the test windows  Answer sheets and test booklets should be collected by the end of the test window.  Teachers should not be holding on to booklets or answer sheets after the end of the test windows  Teachers should not be reviewing test items or answers using test booklets at any time with students  Photocopying of test booklets is not permitted  Teacher edition booklets are for teacher use only (e.g., collaboration, response analysis)  Calculators are not permitted on Algebra 1 or Geometry test unless specified on a student’s IEP.  Calculators are permitted on Chemistry tests

29 ACS-HS Inventory  Please complete ACS-HS and ELDA booklet inventory for your school  Due date: October 30, 2009

30 For Help with Logistics Contact…  Carmen Rodriguez (559) 457-3959

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