World Climates Objective: To examine and reflect on how different climate patterns of the world influence regions. 1.Tropical 2.Temperate 3.Polar 4.Dry.

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Presentation on theme: "World Climates Objective: To examine and reflect on how different climate patterns of the world influence regions. 1.Tropical 2.Temperate 3.Polar 4.Dry."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Climates Objective: To examine and reflect on how different climate patterns of the world influence regions. 1.Tropical 2.Temperate 3.Polar 4.Dry 5.Highland

2 World Climates ClimateWhere is it?What is it like?Plants Tropical 1.Humid 2. Tropical Savanna On/ near the Equator Higher latitudes in the tropics Warm with high amt. of rain yr. round – monsoons Warm all year; rainy and dry seasons- 20 in. of rain in summer Tropical Rain forests Tall grasses and scattered trees Dry 1.Desert 1.Steppe Mainly around 30° lat., in middle of continents, on west coasts Mainly bordering deserts and interiors of large continents Sunny and dry; less than 10 in. of rain a year – hot in the tropics- wide temperature ranges About 10-20 in. of rain a year- hot summers and cooler winters with wide temp. range Few plants- cacti Short grasses, some trees & shrubs by water

3 World Climates ClimateWhere is it?What is it like?Plants Temperate 1.Mediterranean 2. Humid Subtropical 3. Marine West Coast 4. Humid Continental West coasts and middle latitudes East coasts and middle latitudes West coasts in upper- middle latitudes East coasts and interior of upper/ mid latitudes Dry, sunny, warm, mild winter 15-20in of rain a yr. Humid w/ hot summers and mild winters: rain yr. round- in path of hurricane Cloudy, mild summers & cool rainy winters (ocean) 4 distinct seasons, long cold winters & short warm summers – varied rainfall Woodland and grassland Mixed forest Evergree n forest Mixed forest

4 World Climates ClimateWhere is it?What is it like?Plants Polar 1.Subarctic 2.Tundra 3.Ice Cap Higher latitudes of the interior and east coast of continents Coasts and in high latitudes Polar Regions Extremes of temp.; long cold winter and short warm summer; little rain Cold all year! Long cold winters and short cool summers- little rain & permafrost Freezing Cold Northern evergreen forests Moss. Lichens, low shrubs No vegetation HighlandHigh mtn regionsWide range of temp and precipitation, depends on elevation and location Forest to tundra

5 World Climates Map win_m1ewf_cl_L0/layer_viewer.html win_m1ewf_cl_L0/layer_viewer.html

6 National Geographic- Where are We Headed? A Way Forward Facing Climate Change http://video.nationalgeo er/environment/global- warming- environment/way- forward-climate.htmlhttp://video.nationalgeo er/environment/global- warming- environment/way- forward-climate.html Nomads driven to Cities http://video.nationalgeo er/http://video.nationalgeo er/ A Climate Event to End Time? http://video.nationalgeo er/http://video.nationalgeo er/

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