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Warm-up: Copy the Reminders  Homework: Rising Seas Article—Read and take notes  Article quiz on Thursday, September 26 th  Hurricane Tracking Extra.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up: Copy the Reminders  Homework: Rising Seas Article—Read and take notes  Article quiz on Thursday, September 26 th  Hurricane Tracking Extra."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up: Copy the Reminders  Homework: Rising Seas Article—Read and take notes  Article quiz on Thursday, September 26 th  Hurricane Tracking Extra Credit due next Wednesday!

2 Cover Page of Climate Regions Book Color only the highland, tropical humid, and tropical wet and dry climate regions on the map of your cover page. Make sure to include the colors on the key. Label the Rocky Mountains, Andes Mountains, Alps (Mtns), Caucasus Mountains, Himalayas (Mtns), and Ethiopian highlands Turn in World Climate Regions Book!!!!

3 World Climate Regions

4 Tropical Climates  Tropical Humid  Location: close to the equator  Temp and rainfall: warm temperature, plentiful rainfall  Vegetation: ideal conditions for plant growth= Tropical Rainforest

5 Tropical Humid

6 Tropical Climates  Tropical Wet and Dry  Location: north and south of tropical humid climate  Temp and rainfall: summer – heavy rainfall; winter – dry season  Vegetation: savannas = tropical grasslands, scattered trees, and shrubs

7 Tropical Wet and Dry Monsoons —A wind system in which winds reverse direction and cause seasons of wet and dry weather (common in India)

8 Question Time! WWhy is there a difference in the vegetation between Tropical Wet and Dry and Tropical Humid? TThe amount of precipitation differs; Tropical Humid gets rainfall all year, Tropical Wet and Dry has a dry season.

9 Middle Latitude Climates  Mediterranean  Location: Coastal areas of Southern Europe and along west coasts of continents with cool ocean currents  Temp and rainfall: long, sunny, dry summers; rain during the mild winters  Vegetation: Mediterranean scrub woodland; short trees and shrubs with a few scattered large trees

10 Mediterranean

11 Middle Latitude Climates  Humid Subtropical  Location: eastern side of continents where there are warm ocean currents  Temp and rainfall: summers are hot and humid; winters are mild, with occasional frost and some snow  Vegetation: temperate forests – either deciduous or coniferous

12  Deciduous forests DDefine Deciduous (Hint: look at the picture) Trees that lose their leaves during part of the year

13  Coniferous forests DDefine Coniferous (Hint: look at the picture) Forests of cone- bearing evergreen trees

14 Question Time! WWhere do you typically find a Marine West Coast Climate? wwest coasts of continents in the upper middle latitudes

15 Middle Latitude Climates  Marine West Coast  Location: west coasts of continents in the upper middle latitudes  Temp and Rainfall: mild all year; storms bring most of the rain; winters are foggy, cloudy and rainy; summer can be warm and sunny  Vegetation: temperate rain forests - coniferous

16 Marine West Coast

17 Middle Latitude Climates  Humid Continental  Location: interiors and east coasts of upper-middle latitude continents  Temp and rainfall: most changeable weather conditions; four distinct seasons; rainy most of the year  Vegetation: forests

18 Question Time! HHumid Continental has four distinct seasons, what dates do these seasons begin? FFall Equinox September 22 nd WWinter Solstice December 21 st SSpring Equinox March 20 th SSummer Solstice June 21 st

19 WWhat is a synonym for Arid? DDry OOn what continent can you find the largest arid region? AAfrica

20 Dry Climates  Arid  Location: normally at or about 30 degrees north and south of the equator; also found in rainshadows, deep interior of continents  Temp and rainfall: little rainfall  Vegetation: plants and animals must be hardy

21 Arid

22 Dry Climates  Semiarid  Location: Transition zone between arid and humid climates  Temp and Rainfall: More moisture than deserts  Vegetation: Heavy rainfall areas produce grasses= steppe

23 Semiarid

24 Question Time! UUsing the pictures and your prior knowledge, what is the difference between arid and semiarid climates? AAmount of precipitation leads to more vegetation in a semiarid climate

25 High-Latitude Climates  Subarctic  Location: Generally above 50 degrees north latitude  Temp and Rainfall: Long, cold winters; short, warm summers  Vegetation: Boreal forest/Taiga: Vast evergreen forests

26 Question Time! RRefer to your map, in what countries is the majority of the land covered by boreal forest? CCanada and Russia

27 Subarctic

28 High-Latitude Climates  Tundra  Location: Central areas in high latitudes  Temp and Rainfall: Long winters; temperatures above freezing only during short summers  Permafrost – permanently frozen water and soil  Vegetation: mosses, herbs, low shrubs; trees cannot grow

29 Tundra

30 Question Time! CCan you find trees in the tundra? NNo WWhy or why not? PPermafrost

31 High-Latitude Climates  Ice Cap  Location: Earth’s polar regions  Always covered by huge, flat masses of ice and snow; few land plants and animals

32 Ice Cap

33 Question Time!  What happens to temperature as you travel up a mountain?

34 Highland Climate  Found anywhere mountain ranges are located  Temperature changes with elevation  Higher up the mountains = cooler temperatures  No trees above a certain level

35 Definition Time!  Tree Line or Timberline —The line of elevation above which trees do not grow

36 Paragraph Time!  How do latitude and solar energy affect climate?  Turn in your notes for a participation grade!!!

37 Warm-up: Answer the following questions 1. What climate type has rainforests? 2. What is the difference between deciduous and coniferous trees? 3. What climate type has four distinct seasons?

38 Tropical Humid

39 Tropical Wet and Dry

40 Ice Cap

41 Mediterranean

42 Humid Continental

43 Semiarid

44 Tundra

45 Marine West Coast

46 Subarctic

47 Practice Conclusions Since temperatures are generally __________________ near the equator, climate graph ______________ must be located closer to the equator than climate graph ______________. Climate Graph 1 Climate Graph 2

48 A B D C

49 Tropical Humid

50 Ice Cap

51 Humid Continental

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