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Welcome to Kindergarten/1 st Grade Back to School Night  Mrs. Amanda McCurdy  Mrs. Coretta Nuka  Mrs. Ruth Dowling  Ms. Nicole Daniels  Mrs. Georgiana.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Kindergarten/1 st Grade Back to School Night  Mrs. Amanda McCurdy  Mrs. Coretta Nuka  Mrs. Ruth Dowling  Ms. Nicole Daniels  Mrs. Georgiana."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Kindergarten/1 st Grade Back to School Night  Mrs. Amanda McCurdy  Mrs. Coretta Nuka  Mrs. Ruth Dowling  Ms. Nicole Daniels  Mrs. Georgiana Rati (ESOL)  Mrs. Cheryl Illig (LD) 1

2 Expectations of Children in Kindergarten/1st Grade  There are many levels of development and learning  We take them from where they are and teach them what they need  Parental support is essential to your child’s success  Check homework and their folder each night  Read and discuss a story  Play math games  Talk to your child about their day and encourage them to speak in complete sentences  Meet individual needs and learning preferences  Achieved with classroom instruction, centers, independent work and homework 2

3 Continued  Behavior expectations: Follow and respect school, bus and classroom rules  Well nourished and well rested aids in learning  Parents  Send children to school ready to learn (please have them use the bathroom before they leave the house )  Students need to know how to tie their shoes. 3

4 Classroom Rules 4  Be prepared  Try your personal best  Listen when the speaker is talking  Respect others  Raise your hand to ask questions if you do not understand  Use your inside voice when talking  Keep hands, feet and other objects to yourself

5 Lunch 5  Kindergarten Lunch Time starts at 10:30  First Grade Lunch Time starts @ 11:30 and is staggered by 5 minutes per class  School Lunch  Cost is $2.45  Always choice of yogurt, sunbutter or salad  Make checks payable to PWCS or use website.  Home Lunch - Please, no candy or soft drinks

6 Snack 6 * Each family may send in a snack for their child:  No candy  No snacks with nuts or peanut butter please, due to food allergies. *We have communal snack *We do need you to contribute as much as you can.

7 Arrival  Drop off time is 8:45 a.m. for breakfast  Students wait in designated areas/lines until the entrance bell rings at 9:00 a.m.  Tardy Bell is 9:15 a.m. 7

8 Dismissal  Written notice is required if you need to change your child’s transportation home. For your child’s safety, please provide us this information in your child’s folder or contact the main office.  It is important that your child be in class the entire day, please try to schedule appointments before or after school.  Kiss and Ride/Walkers: Please be prompt in picking up your child from school. Remind your child to wait for you and not leave school grounds unattended.  Dismissal Time is: 3:55 p.m. 8

9 Volunteers  Help with copying, projects, lunch monitoring, healthy feet or cutting out things at home  Field Trips –  Kindergarten and First Grade Field Trips  Ticonderoga Farm: Thursday, November 5th - Cost $15.00  Dr. Seuss @ Hylton: Friday, April 29th - Cost $12.00  Scheduled for October 21 (cost $10) to Cows ‘n’ Corn/Please have money and permission form in ASAP  Scheduled in March 3 (about $10) for a performance at the Hylton Performing Arts Center  Scheduled for May (cost approx. $10) to Cows ‘n’ Corn for their spring program  Ticonderoga Farm: Thursday, November 5th - Cost $15.00  Dr. Seuss @ Hylton: Friday, April 29th - Cost $12.00  There is limited space for Field Trips, chaperones are chosen on a first come, first serve basis. Parents who would like to join us need to have their money in right away. 9

10 Curriculum  Monthly Focus Sheet will come home the beginning of each month  Reading Groups  Students will be grouped by reading levels  Words Their Way word work will go home on Mondays, testing on Fridays Specials schedule is posted on our web site 10

11 Continued  To get to your child’s classroom website: 1. Go to: 2. Click “Class Pages”  “1 st Grade”  “Your Child’s Teacher” 11

12 Nightly Folders & Homework  Homework Every Week  Read, Read, Read!  Keep Homework in Folder  Please sign and return daily  Please help your child stay organized & prepared for class  Remove extra papers  Correspondence to and from school should go in folder  If sending money, please label with name and purpose 12

13 Parent/Teacher Conferences  November 2 and 3, 2015  We will coordinate 20 minute time slots for each set of parent(s)/guardian(s) who would like a conference.  Please sign up for a conference time in your child’s classroom. 13

14 Blast Off Into Kindergarten/First Grade!  We look forward to leading your child through a challenging and enriching year in first grade!  If you ever have concerns or questions, please let us know. 14

15 How to Contact the Teachers  Mrs. Amanda McCurdy–  Mrs.Coretta Nuka  Mrs. Ruth Dowling –  Ms. Nicole Daniels –  Mrs. Georgiana Rati (ESOL)-  Mrs. Cheryl Illig- -You can also leave a phone message for any teacher in the Main Office at: 703-590-1558 15

16 Marine Corps Fun Run When? Saturday, October 24 th Where: The Pentagon Cost: $10.00 per student Parent/Guardian MUST attend with your child. Sign up TONIGHT! Forms are due today. Registration forms are located by the front office. Please leave registration forms and money with your student’s teacher.

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