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1861–1865. Leading up to the War Issue over states rights versus the rights of the federal government Legislative Branch –S–Senate- 2 from each state.

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Presentation on theme: "1861–1865. Leading up to the War Issue over states rights versus the rights of the federal government Legislative Branch –S–Senate- 2 from each state."— Presentation transcript:

1 1861–1865

2 Leading up to the War Issue over states rights versus the rights of the federal government Legislative Branch –S–Senate- 2 from each state –H–House of Rep- Based on Population. Slavery-3/5ths Tariffs/Taxes that unfairly impacted the South –T–Tariff: Tax on imports Sales of American made goods/ European goods SLAVERY Industrial Agricultural

3 Leading up to the War 1818 Missouri Compromise- Missouri is slave and Maine is free Mexican-American War gave the US much more land Compromise of 1850- California is free, Texas slave, New Mexico & Utah could choose –A–Also strengthened the Fugitive Slave Act –T–This angered Abolitionists Underground Railroad

4 Abraham Lincoln Was a moderate in his opposition to slavery Didn’t want slavery to expand but didn’t want slave states to change His election helped to trigger secession Secession: is the act of withdrawing from an organization, union, or especially a political entity. 7 states did so just before inauguration “A house divided against itself cannot stand!"

5 CIVIL WAR The Civil War began when Confederate General Beauregard opened fire upon Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina on April 12, 1861

6 CIVIL WAR US conceived what was known as the Anaconda Plan Union blockade of the main ports would weaken the Confederate economy

7 The Playaz UNION General Grant General Sherman CONFEDERATE General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson General Lee

8 Famous Battles 1 st Battle of Bull Run – Stonewall stands tall against Union troops 2 nd Battle of Bull Run – South wins again and cross the Potomac River Antietam – Bloodiest single day in US military History – This halted Lee’s Armies – 23,000 casualties – McClellan was to cautious and didn’t follow though

9 Famous Battles Battle of Gettysburg – Turning point in the war – 46,000 and 51,000 Americans casualties in the three-day Village of Appomattox Court House – Grant and Lee

10 End of War Slavery effectively ended in the U.S. in the spring of 1865 when the Confederate armies surrendered. All slaves in the Confederacy were freed by the Emancipation Proclamation 1,030,000 casualties (3% of the population) More died in this war then all other US wars combined European immigrants joined the Union Army in large numbers, including 177,000 Germans and 144,000 Irish WWI WWII Vietnam Korean Kuwait Iraq

11 Abraham Lincoln Reconstruction – 13 th,14 th,15 th Amendments – Rebuilding the South April 14, 1865 Lincoln is killed by John Wilkes Booth Andrew Johnson becomes Pres

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