Musical Instruments have Families
We have families! Mom Dad Me My Brother
Grandma & Grandpa Precious
Did you know that musical instruments have families?
Musical instruments are members of families that make sounds (vibrations) in the same ways that they make sound (vibrations).
First, we need to know the definition for sound. Sound is vibrations.
ball Instruments of the Orchestra Have 4 families. Instruments are placed in families because of their sound, that is “How they make their vibrations”.
The families of the orchestra are:
The Strings family violin Double bass cello viola
The Brass family trumpet tuba trombone French horn
The Woodwinds family flute saxaphone oboe clarinet
The Percussion family drums tambourine bells maracas
But what about the vibrations?
What makes the vibrations (sound) in the string instruments? The strings!
What makes the vibrations (sound) in the woodwind instruments? The wind!
What makes the vibrations (sound) in the brass instruments? Your lips!
What makes the vibrations (sound) in the percussion instruments? Percussion means to hit or shake
Instruments have families like you and me! So you see…………