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Presentation transcript:

創新設計 劉 全 南台科技大學機械工程系副教授


商品之競爭力與利潤 競爭力 利潤

創意與創新的目的  生活的目的,在增進人類全體之生活。 生命的意義,在創造宇宙繼起之生命。  創意的目的,在增進人類生活之福祉。 創新的意義,在創造企業繼起之生命。

創意思考 v.s. 創新設計 創意思考 產生「未被提出之想法」的過程, 作為創新設計核心的新點子。 創新設計 將創意點子實際體現的過程, 提出新方法以解決問題。

Environmental protection anti-rust device for engine cooling system Outline 1. Introduction 2. Design concept 3. Work instruction and experimental result 4. Conclusion

1. Introduction

1-1 The parts could be damaged because of rust (corrosion).  Because the cooling system uses water as coolant, The parts are easy to cause corrosion. The water pump and the radiator cover have rusted to damage The rusted position of cooling system The path of coolant

1-2 How to prevent rusting in cooling system at present =+ CoolantWaterAdditive Coolant 50% water50% additive = +  At present, the coolant adds 40% - 60% anti-rust additive, in order to mitigate the rate of rusting for cooling system parts.

1-3 Anti-rust additive would cause environmental pollution The service life of the additive is one year or 20,000Km Journey, so renew it regularly is necessary. The used coolant will pollute the environment, there is no any regulations to force people to do the coolant recycling. The used coolant pollutes the environment. Coolant need to renew regularly

2. Design concept

2-1 The electrochemistry mechanism of the rusting (corrosion) ---part 1  Because some factors will cause countless couples of anode and cathode on metal surface, such as micro-structure defect, the micro-stress field, etc. Countless anodes and cathodes form on the metal surface Anodes and Cathodes Metal

 If the iron surface has electrolyte, such as water, the anode will produce the oxidation, 2Fe=Fe 2+ +2e -.  Fe 2+ ion will be dissociated into the electrolyte.  The e - electron will be conduct to the corresponding cathode. Fe 2+ e-e- e-e- e-e- e-e- e-e- e-e- e-e- cathode anode H2OH2O e-e- Iron block 2-2 The electrochemistry mechanism of the rusting (corrosion) ---part 2

First method is that a DC power provides electrons to parts of cooling system, the parts become to cathode. cathode anode Iron would not rust if it keeps under the potential of -1.2V. Coolant MetalThe parts of cooling system The parts of cooling system is become cathode by DC power. 2-3 First kind method that make the parts of cooling system turn into cathode

2-4 Two technologies is used in this device to prevent rusting. Two technologies that used in this device + + The cathodic protection method associated with the DC power The cathodic protection method associated with sacrificial anode cathode anode Metal Coolant Mg 2+ cathode anode Coolant

3. Work instructions and experiment results

3-1 The structure of this anti-rust device Control circuit Thermo-electric chip Heat limiter Mg anode electrode Fin Vacuum valve Pressure valve Radiator cap All parts of this anti-rust device are designed in radiator cover

3-2 Begin to introduce this device from the thermo-electric chip The thermo-electric chip transfers the waste heat of the coolant into DC power that is provided for the cathodic protection method associated with the DC power. Cathode anode Coolant Metal The model is TGM ∆T=100°C - 4V - 2.4A

3-3 When the chip is unable to produce DC current, using the sacrifice anode is necessary  When coolant is cold, the thermo-electric chip can not produce a DC power.  The oxidation in magnesium electrode generates electron that can supply to cathode, the material of cathode will be protected and will not rust. Mg electrode anode Mg 2+ Iron ( The parts of cooling system ) Mg 2+ Cathode Coolant

3-4 The flow path of the current that produced by magnesium anode Thermoelectric Mg electrode of radiator Engine body Frame and Outer cover chip The parts of cooling system e-e- e-e- e-e- e-e- e-e- e-e- e-e- e-e- (control unit) e-e- e-e- e-e- Mg 2+ e-e- e-e- pumping circuit Coolant When coolant is cold, the oxidation in magnesium electrode generates electron that can supply to cathode.

3-5 How to adjust the pressure of cooling system --- part 1  While the coolant temperature rising, the pressure of the cooling system will increase. A pressure valve can adjusts this pressure.  When pressure valve is open, some coolant flows through the valve to reserve in a assisted tank.  The pressure is kept approximately 2.1kg/cm 2. The pressure valve is closed The pressure valve is opened To assisted tank Radiator

The vacuum valve is closed The vacuum valve is opened  While coolant cooling, the cooling system can form vacuum that will damage the radiator. In this time, the vacuum valve must be opened to eliminate this vacuum.  The coolant reserved in the assisted tank will be sucked through vacuum valve to radiator How to adjust the pressure of cooling system --- part 2

5. Conclusion END 1. It is confirmed in experiment that our design device has excellent anti-rust function. 2. Thermo-electric chip and the pumping circuit can provide 2V and 180mA electric energy by transferring the waste heat of coolant. In theory, this electric energy is enough to protect the parts of cooling system in 1600 c.c. engine. 3. This design successfully integrate all parts into radiator cover, which effectively increase the convenience of this device. 4. This device can effectively replace the anti-rust additive to solve the environmental pollution problem caused by the used additive. 5. At present, vehicle has no device that is similar to our design, and there is no similar patent. Hence it is obvious that the device is a highly innovative design..

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