HOME & SCHOOL Resource Tool for school, teachers, and staff of Oak Park * Electronic Communication Website – Home & School Section E-Alerts Back pack communication Flyers sent home when volunteers or response needed
SPONSORED EVENTS/ACTIVITIES Field Trips/Renaissance Faire Assemblies Scholastic News Teacher Appreciation Sixth Grade Celebration Olympic Day RIF – Reading Is Fundamental School Store Writing Celebration
PARENTS/GUARDIANS/GRANDPARENTS You can volunteer to help in the school, classroom, at home or during events. You can help for a half –hour or for an entire day – You set the time!
OAK PARK’S “LET’S MOVE IT” Main Fundraiser * participation of ENTIRE school * send letters to family, friends, business sponsors * Education/Celebration Day * October 18, 2013 * Goal – Net $15,000 Last year – brought in $14K – paid for all assemblies, field trips, and H&S sponsored activities PLUS purchased a new Smart Board!
REBATE $$ Collect and turn in – contests throughout the school year. Rebate programs – OPHS earns $$ Giant Food Stores Target
CONCLUSION ~ Welcome to Oak Park ~ Get involved ~ Support ~ Thank you for your time and care of your student’s life and activities ~ Come join us at the next meeting – October 3 rd !