2/13/2016 5 Pillars of Self-Esteem 1 Before you know what type of leader you will become, you must know the type of person you are. EQ: How do I build.


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Presentation transcript:

2/13/ Pillars of Self-Esteem 1 Before you know what type of leader you will become, you must know the type of person you are. EQ: How do I build a better me from the inside out?

2/13/ Pillars of Self-Esteem 2 PILLAR #1 - SECURITY Insecurity stems from lack of stability, absence of rules, and a false sense of safety and reality. An environment that breeds fairness, mutual respect, and structure will INCREASE SELF-ESTEEM. Fair (Realistic) + Frank (Honest) + Firm (Strong) Goals/Rules/Values= HIGHER SELF-ESTEEM

2/13/ Pillars of Self-Esteem 3 PILLAR #2 – IDENTITY Who am I? Who do I want to be? WHY? A core set of values/absolutes will help a person establish an identity. EX. Integrity Forethought (L.G.A) + Core Values = better decision making; in-turn self-confidence grows Altering/adding external resources (clothing, hair style, drugs/alcohol) DO NOT help with establishing an identity. They are only temporary treatments.

2/13/ Pillars of Self-Esteem 4 In other words... “ If you just set out to be liked, you will be prepared to compromise on anything, at any time and you will achieve nothing.” ~ Margaret Thatcher educatio n trust God life future love friends family VALUES

2/13/ Pillars of Self-Esteem 5 PILLAR #3 - BELONGING High expectations will yield high results ONLY if there is a HIGH level of support. With a web of support (friends, teachers, parents) to achieve the desired expectations, a greater feeling of acceptance is reached. The more an individual feels attached or connected to a group, team, school, or cause, the better the environment will be for raising self- esteem. Acceptance into a family or group is crucial in the development of ones self-confidence.

2/13/ Pillars of Self-Esteem 6 SHOW WINDOW vs. STOCKROOM... Are you looking out the window OR in the mirror? Are you looking out the window OR in the mirror?

2/13/ Pillars of Self-Esteem 7 PILLAR #4 - PURPOSE WHAT IS THE “WHY” IN YOUR LIFE? Life’s Greatest Aim! Do you have one? WHAT IS THE “WHY” IN YOUR LIFE? Life’s Greatest Aim! Purpose Having a Purpose gives an individual motivation. (Intrinsic or Extrinsic) Goals Individuals who have Goals and actively work at achieving them, are building self-esteem. ATTITUDE + ACTION + AIMMING POINT = SUCCESS & INCREASED SELF-ESTEEM ATTITUDE + ACTION + AIMMING POINT = SUCCESS & INCREASED SELF-ESTEEM

2/13/ Pillars of Self-Esteem 8 PILLAR #5 - COMPETENCE COMPETENCE COMPETENCE is the ability to perform at a desired level of satisfaction. Competencegoals Competence is gained when goals are achieved and a sense of mastery is acquired. A genuine feeling of adequacy empowers an individual to pursue endeavors commensurate with their potential. BEST INCREASE Learning from mistakes is the BEST way to display competence and INCREASE self- esteem.

2/13/ Pillars of Self-Esteem 9 MEASURING SELF-ESTEEM Self-Esteem An individual’s level of Self-Esteem is dynamic; it changes based on circumstance, attitude, and history. There are highs and lows which equate to an average. Similar to that of the mean temperature in an area over a period of time. In order to establish and maintain a high level of self-esteem, a person must be willing to identify strengths and weakness, turn negatives into positives and persevere in times of change and challenge.

Ticket Out the Door What are your core values? Who has influenced your core values? What are your goals? Do you have any ideas about your LGA? Please reflect on these questions and write your answers using complete sentences. 2/13/ Pillars of Self-Esteem 10