Credit Opportunity University of Wisconsin ˗ La Crosse Department of Health Education and Health Promotion Continuing Education and Extension 1 credit.


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Presentation transcript:

Credit Opportunity University of Wisconsin ˗ La Crosse Department of Health Education and Health Promotion Continuing Education and Extension 1 credit option at either the undergraduate or graduate level HED 467 (undergraduate) HED 567 (graduate) Repeatable credit opportunity (note change in course #) HED 495 (undergraduate) HED 595 (graduate)

Why Enroll? Provides an opportunity to earn university credit Credit can be used to meet professional development/continuing education requirements needed to maintain your credentials Provides an opportunity to apply new strategies in your work setting Holds you accountable to advancing your teaching Students appreciate new and different instructional approaches

Course Information You will attend at least 5 program sessions during the symposium. To document your attendance, you must ask the presenter(s) of each session you attend to sign the form that has been provided. The signed form must accompany your application project. Your project may address 1 or more of the sessions you attend.

Course Information You will develop a “focused” application project. An application project portrays how a concept, idea, theory, or practical teaching technique can be applied to your actual or projected professional setting and enhances your professional contribution or development in Health Education. Examples Curricular application of critical thinking Cybrerbullying prevention unit for school or community youth

Course Information Your project should include: an introduction to establish a rationale for your project a description of your project knowledge, skills, teaching applications, etc. gained from your project how you plan to (or did) implement your project personal and professional insights about your project, especially those that occurred as a result of actually implementing it

Course Information Undergraduate credit Your project outline should be 1-2 pages. Your project should be 3-5 pages, excluding additional attachments. Graduate credit Your project outline should be 1-2 pages. Your project should be 6-9 pages and should involve a more detailed description to include an alignment with national health education standards and/or professional competencies (see below). You should include how students or adolescents will grow and develop in the identified standards. See the following resources for information regarding national health education standards and professional competencies: 0At%20A%20Glance.pdf 0At%20A%20Glance.pdf

Due Dates Project outlines are due on Friday, February 19th, Application projects are due on Friday, March 4th, Attendance forms are due on Friday, March 4th, You can submit your materials electronically to or mail them to: Dr. Michele Pettit University of Wisconsin ˗ La Crosse Department of Health Education and Health Promotion

Fees 1 undergraduate credit $170 1 graduate credit $210

Registration Prior to the symposium Contact Briana Meuer, Continuing Education and Extension (608) , On-site registration Dr. Gary Gilmore, Director of Community Health Programs

Instructor Contact Information Michele L. Pettit, MPH, PhD, MCHES Department of Health Education and Health Promotion University of Wisconsin ˗ La Crosse 1725 State Street, 207 Mitchell Hall La Crosse, WI Phone: (608)