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LIFEPATH East Tennessee State University College of Public Health Tennessee.

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1 LIFEPATH East Tennessee State University College of Public Health Tennessee

2 Overview  What is LIFEPATH?  What does LIFEPATH offer?  Workforce Needs Assessment  Partnerships  Contact Information LONG-DISTANCE INTERNET FACILITATED EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM for APPLIED TRAINING in HEALTH

3 What is LIFEPATH?

4 LIFEPATH is…  LIFEPATH is a Public Health Training Center (PHTC) funded by the Health Services and Resources Administration and housed in the College of Public Health at East Tennessee State University.  It is Tennessee’s first and only Public Health Training Center  There are 37 total PHTCs nation wide.  LIFEPATH operates differently than any other PHTC. It is the only PHTC to offer academic training opportunities.

5 Our Vision and Mission Our Mission Tennessee LIFEPATH will provide a home for the collaborative partnerships between Tennessee’s academic public health training providers and Tennessee’s public health workforce, and provide comprehensive competency- based training for that workforce. Our Vision LIFEPATH is a vital collaboration that will provide multiple entry points for public health workers to obtain public health education and training designed to improve skills, experiences, and competencies. LIFEPATH will provide a wide range of academic and non-academic programs to assure that Tennessee’s public health workforce has the knowledge, skills and training to meet Tennessee’s present and forthcoming health challenges. LIFEPATH will provide a wide range of academic and non-academic programs to assure that Tennessee’s public health workforce has the knowledge, skills and training to meet Tennessee’s present and forthcoming health challenges.

6 Our Path  Primary Objectives  Establish Collaborative Partnerships  Provide comprehensive competency based training  Areas of Focus  Identify workforce training needs  Provision of academic and non-academic training  Evaluation of training and outcomes

7 Our Goal To Strengthen the technical, scientific, managerial and leadership competence of Tennessee’s public health workforce.

8 Academic Training  Undergraduate Certificate  Public Health Fundamentals for Field Professionals  Graduate Level Certificates  Epidemiology  Health Care Management  Graduate Level Degrees  Epidemiology  Health Services Administration  Doctor of Public Health Degrees  Community Health  Epidemiology

9 Certificate Synopsis  Undergraduate Certificate Program Synopsis   To provide an educational program targeted to meet the needs of experienced public health professionals who have at least one year of college credit, but who have not completed an undergraduate degree. This training will provide an introduction to core concepts of public health.

10 Certificate Synopsis  Graduate Certificate Program Synopsis  Epidemiology Certificate  This program focuses on the application of basic and advanced epidemiological methods to public health problems.  Health Care Management Certificate  The Health Care Management Certificate program is designed to provide the learner with leadership and strategic management tools specifically for the health care environment.

11 Master of Public Health Synopsis  Master of Public Health Program Synopsis  Epidemiology  Epidemiology is the basic science of public health, and as such epidemiologists are health professionals who study disease, illness, and injuries, and attempt to determine: who becomes ill, why certain people are more likely to become ill and how to prevent the spread of illness.  Health Services Administration  Health Services Administration is a multi- disciplinary field that focuses on the delivery, financing, and organization of public health and health care services and the development and implementation of health policy.

12 Doctor of Public Health Synopsis  Doctor of Public Health Program Synopsis  Community Health and Epidemiology  The Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) program offers an advanced professional degree designed for those who wish to pursue or further their career in public health practice. It prepares practitioners with competence in administration, advocacy, problem solving, research, and communication. Graduates are qualified to serve in a variety of leadership capacities at state, national, and international levels, enhancing the public’s health in both rural and urban settings.

13  All academic programs are offered completely online, outside of the DrPH programs  Online programs have:  Video and audio of instructor in class  Provision of slides and handouts shown to the remote students just the same as if in the classroom  Interactivity in real time or over email Online Programs


15 Enrollment  Standard Admissions Process for All Programs  MPH and DrPH  GRE completion  SOPHAS Application due no later than March 1, 20XX  ETSU Graduate Application due no later than June 1, 20XX  Management  Academic programs at East Tennessee State University (ETSU)  Management at ETSU  Assistance with State of Tennessee Educational Waiver  Communication

16 Non-Academic Training  Non-Academic training will be offered periodically throughout out the year by LIFEPATH partners. Programs will be based on the needs of the Public Health workforce. Online training programs will also be available through our website.  Public Health workshops, courses, seminars, and symposiums

17 Continuing Education Units  Partnering with additional academic programs to offer the following:  Continuing Education Units  Continuing Nursing Education Credits  Continuing Medical Education Credits  Coming soon-Certified Public Health Continuing Education

18 What does LIFEPATH offer?

19 Academic Stipends  Stipends to Qualifying Students  Students who qualify would be provided a stipend that covers living expenses incurred during their time in the program  The stipend amount varies by program and would substantially reduce actual costs of the program  Tennessee Department of Health employees would first need to utilize their State Educational Waiver  No other financial assistance may be used in conjunction with a LIFEPATH stipend

20 Academic Stipends  Undergraduate Certificate  One time stipend totaling: $2,100 (approx.)  Graduate Level Certificates  One time stipend totaling: $3,000 (approx.)  Graduate Level Degrees  Annual stipend: $3,200 (approx.)  Doctor of Public Health Degrees  Annual stipend: $25,000 (approx.)

21  Stipends are TAXABLE INCOME  Stipend amounts may change without notice and are subject to recalculation dependent upon demand Important Stipend Information

22 Additional Offerings  Program Navigation  Educational Planning  Career Development Opportunities  Technical Support

23 Workforce Needs Assessment Workforce Needs Assessment

24 Needs Assessment  Three Phased Assessment  Phase 1  Survey of Tennessee Department of Health employees  Phase 2  Survey of governmental public health workers outside the State system  Phase 3  Survey of non-state and non-governmental public health workers in Tennessee

25 Three-Tiered Approach  Three-tiered, competency based approach will be used  Entry Level  Mid-Management  Leadership  Being developed with other Public Health Training Centers

26 Partnerships Partnerships

27 Partners  Tennessee Department of Health  Tennessee Public Health Association  Meharry Medical College  Masters of Public Health Program  University of Memphis  School of Public Health  University of Tennessee – Knoxville  Department of Public Health

28 Summary & Contact Information Summary & Contact Information

29 Summary

30 Contact Information  Paula Masters, MPH LIFEPATH Director  J. Sean Hoyle, BBA LIFEPATH Coordinator

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