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Presentation transcript:


DATA PROTECTION ACT The Data Protection Act is to make sure your personal information and data is kept safe and secure when being used by businesses and organisations. Before being able to use your personal information the person must first describe how they are going to use this information for you to confirm or deny. If you confirm to this then the information can only be used as described. However you are able to Opt In or Opt Out of certain aspects of how your data will be used or what will be used for distribution to other businesses or organisations. All documents or data must be secured in a secure location such as in a password protected server or even in a secure encrypted database.

INCIDENT REPORTING PROCESS Accident reporting and investigation The College has a statutory duty to: Report to the Health and Safety Executive, without delay: death or specified injury a dangerous occurrence that could have resulted in death or a major injury an injury to staff that causes absence from work or a change in work activity for more than seven days (including weekends) someone who is not at work suffers an injury as a result of an accident and is taken from the scene to a hospital reportable work related illnesses Keep a record of all accident and incidents involving any person on the College premises staff and students during College activities off College premises The College also has a commitment to collecting and collating all accident statistics as a part of the reactive measuring of Health and Safety performance. Staff and students must inform management of any accidents, dangerous occurrences or near misses at work by filling in an accident report form obtainable from the Reception at each centre or via the Health and Safety Intranet. This form should be forwarded to the Health and Safety Team where details will be recorded.

H&S SUMMARY FOR WCC 5.1 Fire management and evacuation: What does this mean: This is to help prevent fire risks, but should one arise there is an evacuation procedure in place for this. 5.2 First Aid: What does this mean: Making sure Staff are trained in First Aid, so they know what to do should any accidents happen. Logging of all incidents so any re occurring problems can be investigated and rectified to prevent further harm to person(s).

H&S SUMMARY FOR WCC Accident reporting and investigation. What does this mean: This is used to keep reports of all incidents that occur. This can be for insurance purposes. This can help in the future with investigations if this becomes a reoccurring problem Safe Guarding: What does this mean: To make sure all person(s) are free from abuse and to make sure all person(s) are cared for correctly.

H&S SUMMARY FOR WCC Security: What does this mean: Security of the premises is to make sure that all staff, students and visitors on the premises are kept safe and secure. Training and Inductions: What does this mean: To make sure all staff are kept up to date and trained. To ensure students are given the correct training upon enrolling onto a course.

H&S SUMMARY FOR WCC Control of Substances Hazardous To Health (COSHH): What does this mean: This is to ensure all hazardous substances are kept in a controlled environment. All college management will undergo training to make sure they comply with H&S standard’s Information Available: What does this mean: To make sure information is easily obtainable to student(s) staff and visitors(s) to the college premises.

H&S SUMMARY FOR WCC Correct signs used: What does this mean: To make sure all signs and equipment is correctly placed in a visible location and lead to the required exits in case of emergencies. Safe equipment, Portable electrical apparatus, Protective clothing and equipment (PPE): This is to ensure all equipment used within the college grounds meets requirements and to ensure equipment is safe to use. Students also have a responsibility to ensure that equipment is looked after to treat all equipment properly. All equipment booked out from areas will have people’s unique badge id put forward for this item, so any damage’s can be traced back. Staff will supply Students with appropriate equipment in order to use equipment.