ABOUT MAYOP year pilot program in Malawi implemented by FAFOTRAJ. Funded to the tune of Euro 80,000 by Hivos Foundation. Target 5000 young men and women aged between years. Pilot districts : Zomba and Thyolo
GOAL To integrate young people into the profitable agribusiness value chains to enable them create wealth and self- employment for their sustainable livelihood.
Areas of focus Value Addition Irrigation farming Diversification Marketing
Strategy Enterprises Development and Growth Training Business Networking Advocacy Social Mobilization
Impact of the program Enterprises Development 76 group agro-enterprises established in 2districts(contributing to private sector growth and rural industry development). The enterprises directly providing self- employment to 3800 young people in the rural areas. (50 members per enterprise).
Value addition 70% of the enterprises established have engaged in value addition.
challenges Access to agro-processing Machines. Packaging materials Access to Finance and Land Access to farm inputs
Way Forward Scale –up the program national wide from Jan, Share best practices with other stakeholders in the region. Focus more on value addition and agro-processing.