March Release 3.1 March 24 th, 2008. Person Management 1911 The system will now allow for the Tribal reference number to also allow for the reference.


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Presentation transcript:

March Release 3.1 March 24 th, 2008

Person Management 1911 The system will now allow for the Tribal reference number to also allow for the reference number to start with 0, as well as include letters.

Person Management 3221 When doing an edit on a person's address, the name and the case ID will be displayed, making it easier to remember whose address workers are editing

Assignment Management While managing assignments, names will be sorted in alphabetical order. Before this release, names in all caps were sorted before names in lower case.

Assignment Management When a supervisor or worker makes a final screen in decision on an access report that does not already have a primary assignment, a primary assignment will automatically be created.

Automated Messaging Additional automated messages were added, as well as the addition of the descriptions and the definitions of the distribution list. demo

Search 2070 When doing a utilities search, the focus will now be set on the last name for the case, person, provider and worker tab. demo

Approvals When a worker does work on a Safety Assessment and Plan that has already been sent for approval, they will now receive a “do you want to recall” message, as they do with other pieces of pending work.

Imaging Workers will now have the ability to upload imaging documents to providers. This is for "Resource Family Disaster Plan”, the emergency preparedness document for foster parents.

Imaging TIFF files will now be an accepted file extension in the file cabinet.

Home Provider 8494 Address can now be modified the same day that the provider record was created.

Private Provider 236 When adding a new Private Provider, if a Search is done and no one is found, the name will be auto-filled from the Search page to the Maintenance page.

Access Mandated Reporter letters will be able to be created and editable after the referral is screened.

Access When creating an access report with an AM relationship to victim with a role of certified family home provider, the worker will no longer be forced to do a provider search.

Maintain Case Workers will now have the ability to delink an Access Report from a case after it has been linked to an Initial Assessment or Child Welfare Assessment. The Delink Access Report/Assessment page is launched from the Maintain Case page by selecting ‘Delink Access Report/Assessment’ from the Options dropdown.

Maintain Case continued The worker must have the security to delink Access Report/Assessment If the user has selected an Access Report that has not yet been associated with an Assessment, the system will delink the Access Report from the case and will assign the Access Report to the user requesting the delink.

Maintain Case continued Assessments/Access reports not eligible for delinking If the Assessment has been submitted to a supervisor for approval, or has reached final approval status. If person specific work has been created after the access report was linked. If any secondary pieces of work have been saved to the assessment

Maintain Case The system will no longer allow a TPR when a pending Out of Home Safety Plan exists.

Maintain Case Enhancement to change current case type values, and automate the selection of the case types. demo

Maintain Case continued Case types that have been removed Courtesy Interview CPS Family CPS Family /Juvenile Justice CPS – Other Stepparent Adoption Family Support Guardianship CPS – Secondary caregiver Intra-State

Maintain Case continued Renamed case types CPS-DCFS Lic/Cert Provider---- renamed ‘CPS – Licensed / Certified Provider Kinship Care renamed ‘Voluntary Kinship Care’

Maintain Case continued Newly added case types Child Welfare & Juvenile Justice CPS Family – Initial Assessment CPS Family - Ongoing CPS Family & JJ – Initial Assessment CPS Family & JJ – Ongoing DHFS Guardianship – County Custody ICPC Pre-Adoptive Child (for additional information please see CR# – ICPC Workflow)

Maintain Case continued Case types with no change Subsidized Guardianship Adoption – ICAMA Adoptive Home ICPC Pre-Adoptive Child Juvenile Justice

Outliner The Approval Date will be added to the Outliner for Adoption Family Placement Agreement

Outliner Indented on the outliner. Examples would include the pieces of work listed under Assessment (IA-Primary, Safety Assessment & Plan) and the Rate Settings beneath the associated placements.

Close Case The case closure date, and a closed assignment, will be inserted when screening out an access report

Assessment The system will now allow for multiple mandated reporters to be selected when sending the mandated reporter letter from Assessment. This will be helpful in situations where multiple referrals come in for the same incident, with different mandated reporters.

Assessment Serious Egregious Report was added to assessment Serious Incident Notification will be added to the Options dropdown on the Assessment page - Results tab

Assessment On the Child Welfare Report, the Summary of Referral section is pre-filling the first time the template is created, and then is user-editable.

Risk/Needs Assessment Updated the Relative Assessment to coincide with other safety changes. Section 9 was added to address Present Danger in Placement Homes.

Out of Home Placements In Home service page will display the same message as out of home placements when user changes service category.

Out of Home Placements The name of the child and the provider will now be displayed on the placement ending page.

Out of Home Placements 1166 The target population on the OHP window will default to blank, instead of CHIPS-OTHER, and is a required field.

Out of Home Placements We reactivated the placement setting of Supervised Independent Living in eWiSACWIS. Starting January 1, 2008 children are eligible for Medicaid coverage for an additional 3 years IF they were in an OHC placement setting at the time they age out of care.

Standard Program Services Enhancement to add necessary fields so all HSRS CORE data can be captured for all children receiving services, not just the children in an out-of-home placement. demo